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WingsOWisdom (WoW) is an avid [[Rogue OM Squad|Rogue Ocean Master Squad]] (ROMS) player.  Every once in a great while, she can be found as [[Winniedemon]] on [[Hunter Ocean]], although she has claimed the name on all oceans.
#REDIRECT [[User:Wingsowisdom]] {{R from alternative capitalization}}
<!-- Table formatting "borrowed" from one of the ROMS pages -->
{| class="toccolours" border=1 cellpadding=2 style="border-collapse:collapse; margin:0em 0em 1em 1em" cellpadding=3 style="float:center; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; font-size:100%"
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! Game !! Role !! Killed !! Result !! Notes
|- valign="top"
|[[Rogue OM Squad IV Lime|ROMS IV: Lime]]
|Town Victory!
|[[Rogue OM Squad V Wild Mango|ROMS V: Wild Mango]]
|Designated Officer (pro-town)
|Town Victory!
|DO with Arge, Pip, and 7H (sort of)
|[[Rogue OM Squad V.V|ROMS V.V]]
|Banned, Round 7
|Town loss
|[[Rogue OM Squad VI|ROMS VI]]
|Banned, Round 6
|Town Victory!
|I was actually trying to get myself banned by pretending to be the PWS. Had I survived one more round, I would have been given a role (Sweetbreeze's WTF power).
|[[Rogue OM Squad 6.5|ROMS 6.5: Wild Humor]]
|Game still in progress
|[[Rogue OM Squad 6.875|ROMS 6.875: Pussycat]]
|Town loss
|I ended up getting really busy, and came back to 600 or 700 posts to read. I realized there was no way I could read all of that in a timely manner and still keep up with things in real life, so I dropped out.

Latest revision as of 07:05, 3 February 2009

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