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Finally, if ye would like to join and gain officer, all is required is a simple discussion to see how much ye know about sailing.
Finally, if ye would like to join and gain officer, all is required is a simple discussion to see how much ye know about sailing.
Please post if my message was received,Waugh

Revision as of 16:28, 2 April 2007

Starbucks at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Captain Fareblade
Senior Officer(s) Athenian, Darklemur, Cloudangel, Ilikecandy, Leon, Krimsan
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Curse Of The Kracken
Last updated on 5 March, 2007
Favicon.png Crew Info

Starbucks is a crew on the Midnight Ocean. It was founded on February 28, 2007.


Tensions in the crew DUDE WHERES MY SLOOP grew. Its own captain, Peglegpauly once cited his own crew to have "crews within crews." He meant to show that his own senior officers seemed to lead other members like mini-captains. This of course, led to three part schism after a series of building arguments. While Peglegpauly continued to hold the bulk of the original crew together, critical senior officers broke free. Lupas started Children Of The Kracken initially, any later Starbucks was born.

The actual foundation of Starbucks is attributed to Fareblade and Athenian. They were two hearties and co-owners of an ironworking stall on Spring Island. They agreed to start an oligarchic government in order to have co-operation and agreement. Fareblade was chosen captain since he was the only one to own any ships. Together they gathered many of the old officers and upper ranks and combined efforts to start a new group. In all, five of the six current senior officers were former high rank officers of the original crew DUDE WHERES MY SLOOP.


Starbucks eventually put to vote, and joined Curse Of The Kracken which was led by Lupas. This dissolved the previous dislike the two sides once had for each other. Much talk was done about holding a crew constitution.

Soon the constitution was annexed the day after Jakiepoo was removed from the position of senior officer and replaced by Krimsan. This lead to the important amendment of only allowing 6 senior officers in the crew at a single time.

Public Statement

You've found us! Must not have been hard. Were everywhere. Always.

So Ye want to be a part of us? Find it hard? No!

This crew was started by Fareblade and Athenian. All issues can be brought to them. About the sea? Ask Fareblade. About anything on land? Ask Athenian. Two heads are better than one!

Get in trouble by us? Just contact to appeal your punishment.

Finally, if ye would like to join and gain officer, all is required is a simple discussion to see how much ye know about sailing.

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