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colspan="2" style="Template:Header Virdian" | Obscure Spirts at a Glance
Virdian Ocean
Captain Prettyhr
Senior Officer(s) Ashdo, Bmxrules, Celistia, Charm, Hamandcheese, Hotdogs, Langert, Lilmizzrissa, Poolabearr, Sonicspeed, Travark
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Shadow Company
Founded 30 May, 2005
Last updated on 10 August, 2006

Bold text - = | Welcome To Obscure Spirits | = - Bold text

Ranks Requirements:

Pirate - Have a badge and ask any officer to promote you.

Officer - Have broads in Bilge, Carp, Sails and Guns with at least 2 masters.

Fleet Officer - Have 3 solids in piracy with at least 2 renowed also, must have at least Master in Battle nav stat (would also prefer you own a ship deed). Only the Captain is allowed to promote to FO or above.

Senior Officer - Must be in the crew at least 5 months and be recommended by 3 Senior officers. Promotion to SO will only be done by the Captain. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the Captain