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Revision as of 20:59, 24 October 2006

{{ </nowiki> |crewname=Obscure Spirts |captain=Prettyhr |seniorofficers=Ashdo, Langert, Charm, Lilmizzrissa, Hamandcheese, Hotdogs |organized=yes |organization= |oceanname=Virdian |politics=Autocratic |shares=Even |flag=Shadow Company |founded=yes |foundedday=30 |foundedmonth=5 |foundedyear=2005 |updateday=10 |updatemonth=8 |updateyear=2006 }}

- = | Welcome To Obscure Spirits | = -

Ranks Requirements:

Pirate - Have a badge and ask any officer to promote you.

Officer - Have broads in Bilge, Carp, Sails and Guns with at least 2 masters.

Fleet Officer - Have 3 solids in piracy with at least 2 renowed also, must have at least Master in Battle nav stat (would also prefer you own a ship deed). Only the Captain is allowed to promote to FO or above.

Senior Officer - Must be in the crew at least 5 months and be recommended by 3 Senior officers. Promotion to SO will only be done by the Captain. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the Captain