User talk:Tjdamage

From YPPedia

Uploading parrots

Ahoy! Since you've got the banana-tan parrot displayed on your pirate's Yoweb page, the easiest way to get an image of it for uploading to the wiki is to simply visit the page in your browser, right-click the image and select "save as". The default filename will show as "article.wm", but you just need to re-name it as something.png - this will work fine, since the image is already a png file. Then just upload that saved image to the wiki. Fair winds! --Belthazar451 22:56, 15 June 2011 (UTC)

Ahoy there, you shouldn't feel that anyone is taking "your" credit for the banana/tan parrot image that you first uploaded. The YPPedia is a collaborative effort; there are plenty of ways to contribute aside from simply uploading images. -- Faulkston 22:00, 18 June 2011 (UTC)