User talk:AlexisVez

From YPPedia

Image file names

The following images need to be uploaded again under less generic file names:

  • Dawn on a ship.png (e.g. Art-AlexisVez-Dawn on a ship.png)
  • Me avvie.png (e.g. Avatar-AlexisVez-AlexisVez.png)
  • Tennie - 2 - 2.PNG (e.g. Avatar-AlexisVez-Tennie.PNG)
  • 2-2.PNG (e.g. Avatar-AlexisVez-Red_pirate_girl.PNG)

Thank you for your assistance. -- Faulkston 19:24, 4 June 2007 (PDT)

Updated image list to reflect image file names which have been already changed. -- Faulkston 15:46, 1 July 2007 (PDT)