
From YPPedia

WelchJosh Is my user name but my pirate goes under the name of Frozenwish

I am 16 I live in australia and i goto school at junee high school

I plan to go to university and study to become a primary school teacher and hopefully live near the coast and teach once im finished my degree's

I love playing puzzle pirates cause it takes my mind off alot of things and i get to go out and have my own ship while talking to my friends and playing with or against them, I am told i have a big Pride problem And i dont like losing without getting revenge which would probaly be my down fall like yesterday lol We took out my first ship ever for a pilly and took on atleast 10 diffrent ships and we almost ported when i got ambushed by imperails and we lost that last one lol we lost 1k worth which really sucked but yer.

be sure to keep in touch and ill be happy to play with everyone and anyone Cya's all

S.O - first mate Frozenwish

--WelchJosh 21:20, 20 June 2007 (PDT)