User:The rock99

From YPPedia

Nejji started playing puzzle pirates in early november of 2005. However his account got deleted due to inactivity. For the first time he had started playing, he joined the crew Death Traders under the command of captin Yansa of the flag Vangaurd . He stayed there for about 6 months before it all started to fall apart. A new comer had come from a crew that had just merged and had decided to become captin. Nejji then decided it was time to leave as everyone started to grow unhappy and the crew just was'nt any fun anymore. He left at the rank Pirate straight after one of his favorite Senoir Officers Firepearl had left.

He spoke to an old friend who had left Death Traders and decided to join her crew- The Nitro Noobs. After thier captin Sigbejoern had quit and one of Nejji's close friends Ashleighd decided to take over the Nitro Noobs and renamed it to Eternity. Eternity eventully failed and had decided to merge into another crew called Sanctum Tristis. Nejji left before the merge and decided to be an idependent pirate once more. He left at the rank Fleet Officer

However Nejji's thirst for a good Battle Navigation grew bigger and bigger. He then was recruited by Beejay, S.O of the crew Supreme Anihilation.

He is now a Fleet Officer in the crew.

His name comes from the famous anime cartoon naruto. One of his favorite Japanese series. He now lives on Prolix.