
From YPPedia

Masterwasp is currently Captain of the Crew Dragons of Oblivion and also King of the flag Dragonmasters . He owns and runs a ship wrighting stall on Labyrinth Moors and managers Coffeewasp's Ironworking/Apothecary Stalls at Sakejima island

Previous positions

All Positions from Cabin Person To Captain of the Dragon Masters

Senior officer Dragons of Oblivion

Lord & Prince of the flag Riddlemakers

Current Ships

6 sloops ,4 cutters ,1 merchant brig ,6 War brigs ,1 Merchant Galleron ,3 War frigates ,1 Grand Frigate

Current homes

Shack upon Dragons nest Joint owner and room mate at Coffeewasp's Manor on Dragons nest

Next Objective

memorise the seas 30% so far ( Now where are all those maps ) and get the flag to Establisied Fame so we can get an island :)