
From YPPedia


Brief History of Whitequest:


PAST CREWS- first day in the ocean ( around May 5 2005) he joined the ice breakers , after learning the ptb rule he became pirate, after a week he became officer, the day after fleet officers came out he became fleet officer. August 17th 2005 Whitequest joined junior breakers and was made treasurer and Captain and was given 2 sloops, a cutter, and 15k then retired September 2005 and quit Puzzle Pirates. April 10 2006 Disbanded the Junior Breakers And rejoined the Ice Breakers as an officer. April 14th 2006 Disbanded the Ice Breakers and started the crew Love & Hate and the flage Risk Winners.

CURRENT CREW- May 13 2006 Whitequest Disbanned the crew Love and Hate and joined the Ice Breakers.

OLD SHIPS THAT WERE SOLD- Flexible Gurnard and Clueless Tigerfish were sold to Nazdar for 14k

SHIPS OWNED NOW - Agreed Catfish, Arrogant Tench , Well-Dressed Sunfish Arrogand Tench

STALLS OWNED + HISTORY OF STALLS- Whitequest's ironworking stall located on EIEIO was managed by Carrie who retired August 17th after doing the best managing ever

BEST MATES IN THE OCEAN Carry - was nice to me the day i met her and she helped with my stall

Sassy - the best captain ever, she could cheer even the saddest soul up

Nazdar - funny, funny, funny, funny mate who is very nice

Tigerjosh - fun mate to play hearts with

Giggles- lended me lots of money on midnight to help me start an iron working stall

Grumbles Awsome sailor, Great friend, is always on, And very fun to play with!

Freisland Would make a great counselor, she alwas cheared me up