The Legend-West

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(Redirected from The Legend)
The Legend-West at a Glance
Cerulean Ocean
Captain Swordspinner
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation The Art of War
Founded 21 September, 2006
Last updated on 23 September, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-The Legend-West.jpg

The Legend-West is a crew that has been dormant for quite some time. They were previously among the top 25 most famed crews. The Legend-West's crew colors are White with Blue trim.

Public statement



The Legend-West's crew portrait was commissioned by Swordspinner at Imperial Palace on Terra Island under the fine governance of Stevensam on Sunday, June 12, 2011. The caption on the original copy says "We are The Legend"

The pirates from left to right are: Kingmidasp (officer), Trophonios (officer), Swordspinner (captain), Coolioest (officer)