Talk:Mildly Amusing

From YPPedia
(Redirected from Talk:Vulpes Vafrae)

Hoy! to anyone reading this, there must be something wrong / not good enough about this page!

If so please feel free to edit it, or send /tells to anyone mentioned on it.



Well now, Domokun, making me feel a little guilty now, aren't we? I'll take a shot at it. First off, we probably want a little more detail... Crewmates, interactions with other crews, interesting trivia, etc. I'll get to it once I've handled our statements on Y!PP.



Domokun, I've updated some of the pirate descriptions a bit, and also fixed some minor grammatical errors and things that didn't quite sound right. Tell me what you think.

Solgun - 4:28 p.m. Thursday September 28, 2006


Added some bits and bobs, mostly to brighten up the page. If you can get the "notable pirates" section to format properly, please do!!



[Solgun] As of 15:33 GMT OCT 24, 2006

Well, for one thing, your "bits and bobs" are copyrighted, so you shouldn't just be slapping them in wherever. And secondly, they look a tad unprofessional. I've taken them out, for the time being, but if you can get permission to use them from OOO, ask to use Stub.png and Community.png instead of Chart.png and Icon_Falchion.png, just to keep your decorations relevant to the headers they are knocking off center.