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Seals o' Piracy

Monthly SealsSeasonal SealsAnnual Seals

Collecting Seals o' Piracy is a great way to test your piratical prowess, as well as earn awesome trophies for your pirate page! Each month, completing a different challenge will earn you that month's Seal o' Piracy trophy, as well as the admiration of all your hearties. Curious what this month's challenge is, or what last month's was? Read on!

Monthly Seals


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2025.png February 2025

Ye'll want to search the oceans far and wide for the perfect gift for yer closest hearty this Valentine's Day. Gather yer crew and start a quest to find that special shiny! Earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, or Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2025.png January 2025

Celebrate this New Year with plunder and pillaging! If ye were generous with gifts for yer hearties, ye'll need to replenish the coffers! Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2024.png December 2024

Set out to sea with yer festive hearties and enjoy the festivities of plunder! Earn the December Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing non-Navy sessions of five (5) different duty puzzles. (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Patching, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2024.png November 2024

Forage up some fruit to help ye avoid scurvy and stockpile rations for the coming winter. Earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2024.png October 2024

Time to face the dangers of the sea. Once ye've loaded up yer hold with enough rum, set sail for adventure! Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2024.png September 2024

There's a frenzy of activity at yer local shoppe as pirates set off on adventure and plunderin'! Put a little extra coin in yer pocket this month, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2024.png August 2024

The weather has been a wee bit sweltering as of late. Tis advisable to spend some time on land until things settle down. Tap a barrel of yer favorite rum, and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2024.png July 2024

Sharpen yer sword and fill the hold with rum and cannon balls! Ye'll need show off yer best piracy skills to earn the July Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 2 different actions that earns your pirate Conqueror Reputation

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2024.png June 2024

Name yerself a patron of the arrrrrts - the arrrt of piracy! Tournaments, event blockades and puzzle competitions will earn ye the proper reputation, and the June Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 1 action that earns your pirate Patron Reputation (Host a tournament or event blockade, or participate in a tournament or puzzle competition. Note there must be more than 10 participants in order to qualify for the seal.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2024.png May 2024

Ye can never have too much treasure. The fastest way to make a growing pile of treasure is to pillage and plunder at sea! To earn the May Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 20 sea battles.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2024.png April 2024

Avast, thar be showers ahead! Use the cover of storms and the fury of nature to help ye plunder treasures from the Brigand Kings. Ye don't need to win, but to earn the April Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Engaging in melee with 3 Brigand Kings. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2024.png March 2024

Organize yer brackets, pick yer favorite puzzle and join the mania of March with more tournaments than ye can shake a stick at! Ye don't need to win, but to earn the March Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in four tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2024.png February 2024

Give yer hearty the perfect gift this Valentine's Day. Take em out to sea and help yer special lad or lass earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, or Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2024.png January 2024

Ring in the new year with the merry sound of cannon fire! Tis always the season to light the sky on fire. Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2023.png December 2023

December is a month o' festive gatherings and feasts. Set out to sea and spend some time celebratin' with yer hearties! To earn the December Seal o' Piracy...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Patching, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2023.png November 2023

Ye need to keep a good stock o’ limes and coconuts on hand to avoid scurvy! To help ye maintain yer health for the winter, earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2023.png October 2023

Tis the season of hauntings and ghosts. Plunder the treasure of Barnabas the Pale - if ye dare. Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Fighting the graveyard in Haunted Seas 3 times. Credit is awarded at the end of the graveyard fight, whether ye win or lose.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2023.png September 2023

Help out ye local shoppe owner, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2023.png August 2023

Escape the heat of summer with some relaxing time at the inn! Grab a mug (or two) of yer favorite grog and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2023.png July 2023

There's nothing better on a summer day than a fine mug of rum while ye smite yer enemies and pillage their goods. For July, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a cutter (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2023.png June 2023

Summer has arrived and it's time to find that perfect beach for buried treasure. While ye search for that foolproof hiding spot, earn your June Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Completing any 5 expeditions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2023.png May 2023

Set out to sea and hunt down the menacing Brigand Kings. Earn your May Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Engaging in melees with 3 Brigand Kings or 3 Vampirate Vessels. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2023.png April 2023

Cabin fever has ye out on the open waters. This is the perfect time to explore that island archipelago way off in the corner of ye known world. These excursions and others will help ye earn the April Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing three (3) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2023.png March 2023

It’s still a bit cold. Why not hide in the inn for another month and earn the March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in 4 tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2023.png February 2023

You've probably stashed away mountains of loot, but your grog-soaked noggin can't seem to recall where. This month, earn the Seal by...

  • Completing 1 buried treasure expedition

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2023.png January 2023

Your New Year's resolution is to spend more time pillaging! For January, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in 3 sea battles involving a Junk and 3 sea battles involving a Fanchuan. If a battle is between a Junk and a Fanchuan, it counts towards both requirements!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2022.png December 2022

Freeze the resolve of yer enemies as ye sail the icy seas in longships - favored by frost-daughter Brynhild Skullsplitter. To earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a Longship (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2022.png November 2022

Winter is coming, it’s time to prepare! Roll up your sleeves this November and earn your Seal o’ Piracy by...

  • Completing sessions of 4 different crafting puzzles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2022.png October 2022

Scour the islands for roaming packs of undead and force them back into the seas to earn October's Seal o' Piracy!

  • Defeat 1 group of skellies and 1 group of zombies

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2022.png September 2022

A pirate's reputation is second only to his or her ambition for more loot! Earn September's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Performing 2 different actions that earn your pirate Conqueror Reputation (For example, fighting Brigand Kings, defeating skellies and zombies, or completing Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2022.png August 2022

Escape the summer heat with sea winds. The heat of battle is upon ye! Earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, Lost Shipwreck, Yeti, Brigand King)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2022.png July 2022

Venture forth to yer local inn and take a break from the seas. Earn this month's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 12 parlor game sessions (Drinking, Hearts, Spades, Poker, Treasure Drop, Brawls, Rumble and Swordfight challenges)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2022.png June 2022

Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles to earn the June Seal o' Piracy!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2022.png May 2022

Spring is in full swing! Earn the May Seal o'Piracy by...

  • Completing 20 sea battles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2022.png April 2022

Spring fever's got everyone feeling feisty! Earn the April Seal o'Piracy by...

  • Engaging in melees with three Brigand Kings!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2022.png March 2022

Ye've survived the endlessness of winter cabin fever, but March brings a new form o' madness to the oceans! Catch the fever and grab a stick. Earn the March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in 5 different tournaments!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2022.png February 2022

Ye'll want to search the oceans far and wide for the perfect gift for yer closest hearty this Valentine's Day. Gather yer crew and start a quest to find that special shiny! Earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2022.png January 2022

Celebrate this New Year with plunder and pillaging! If ye were generous with gifts for yer hearties, ye'll need to replenish the coffers! Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2021.png December 2021

Set out to sea with yer festive hearties and enjoy the festivities of plunder! Earn the December Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing non-Navy sessions of five (5) different duty puzzles. (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Patching, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2021.png November 2021

Forage up some fruit to help ye avoid scurvy and stockpile rations for the coming winter. Earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2021.png October 2021

Time to face the dangers of the sea. Once ye've loaded up yer hold with enough rum, set sail for adventure! Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2021.png September 2021

There's a frenzy of activity at yer local shoppe as pirates set off on adventure and plunderin'! Put a little extra coin in yer pocket this month, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2021.png August 2021

The weather has been a wee bit sweltering as of late. Tis advisable to spend some time on land until things settle down. Tap a barrel of yer favorite rum, and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2021.png July 2021

Sharpen yer sword and fill the hold with rum and cannon balls! Ye'll need show off yer best piracy skills to earn the July Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 2 different actions that earns your pirate Conqueror Reputation (Fight Brigand Kings, defeat skellies, werewolves and zombies, and complete Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2021.png June 2021

Name yerself a patron of the arrrrrts - the arrrt of piracy! Tournaments, event blockades and puzzle competition will earn ye the proper reputation, and the June Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 1 action that earns your pirate Patron Reputation (Host a tournament or event blockade, or participate in a tournament or puzzle competition. Note there must be more than 10 participants in order to qualify for the seal.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2021.png May 2021

Ye can never have too much treasure. The fastest way to make a growing pile of treasure is to pillage and plunder at sea! To earn the May Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 20 sea battles.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2021.png April 2021

Avast, thar be showers ahead! Use the cover of storms and the fury of nature to help ye plunder treasures from the Brigand Kings. Ye don't need to win, but to earn the April Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Engaging in melee with 3 Brigand Kings. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2021.png March 2021

Organize yer brackets, pick yer favorite puzzle and join the mania of March with more tournaments than ye can shake a stick at! Ye don't need to win, but to earn the March Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in four tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2021.png February 2021

Give yer hearty the perfect gift this Valentine's Day. Take em out to sea and help yer special lad or lass earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, or Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2021.png January 2021

Ring in the new year with the merry sound of cannon fire! Tis always the season to light the sky on fire. Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2020.png December 2020

December is a month o' festive gatherings and feasts. Set out to sea and spend some time celebratin' with yer hearties! To earn the December Seal o' Piracy...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Patching, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2020.png November 2020

Ye need to keep a good stock o’ limes and coconuts on hand to avoid scurvy! To help ye maintain yer health for the winter, earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2020.png October 2020

Tis the season of hauntings and ghosts. Plunder the treasure of Barnabas the Pale - if ye dare. Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Fighting the graveyard in Haunted Seas 3 times. Credit is awarded at the end of the graveyard fight, whether ye win or lose.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2020.png September 2020

Help out ye local shoppe owner, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2020.png August 2020

Escape the heat of summer with some relaxing time at the inn! Grab a mug (or two) of yer favorite grog and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2020.png July 2020

There's nothing better on a summer day than a fine mug of rum while ye smite yer enemies and pillage their goods. For July, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a cutter (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2020.png June 2020

Summer has arrived and it's time to find that perfect beach for buried treasure. While ye search for that foolproof hiding spot, earn your June Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Completing any 5 expeditions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2020.png May 2020

Set out to sea and hunt down the menacing Brigand Kings. Earn your May Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Engaging in melees with 3 Brigand Kings. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2020.png April 2020

Cabin fever has ye out on the open waters. This is the perfect time to explore that island archipelago way off in the corner of ye known world. These excursions and others will help ye earn the April Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing three (3) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2020.png March 2020

It’s still a bit cold. Why not hide in the inn for another month and earn the March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in 4 tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2020.png February 2020

You've probably stashed away mountains of loot, but your grog-soaked noggin can't seem to recall where. This month, earn the Seal by...

  • Completing 1 buried treasure expedition

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2020.png January 2020

Your New Year's resolution is to spend more time pillaging! For January, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in 3 sea battles involving a Junk and 3 sea battles involving a Fanchuan. If a battle is between a Junk and a Fanchuan, it counts towards both requirements!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2019.png December 2019

Freeze the resolve of yer enemies as ye sail the icy seas in longships - favored by frost-daughter Brynhild Skullsplitter. To earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a Longship (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2019.png November 2019

Winter is coming, it’s time to prepare! Roll up your sleeves this November and earn your Seal o’ Piracy by...

  • Completing sessions of 4 different crafting puzzles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2019.png October 2019

Scour the islands for roaming packs of undead and force them back into the seas to earn October's Seal o' Piracy!

  • Defeat 1 group of skellies and 1 group of zombies

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2019.png September 2019

A pirate's reputation is second only to his or her ambition for more loot! Earn September's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Performing 2 different actions that earn your pirate Conqueror Reputation (For example, fighting Brigand Kings, defeating skellies and zombies, or completing Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2019.png August 2019

Earn this month's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, Lost Shipwreck, Yeti, Brigand King)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2019.png July 2019

Venture forth to yer local inn and take a break from the seas. Earn this month's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 12 parlor game sessions (Drinking, Hearts, Spades, Poker, Treasure Drop, Brawls, Rumble and Swordfight challenges)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2019.png June 2019

Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles to earn the June Seal o' Piracy!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2019.png May 2019

Spring is in full swing! Earn the May Seal o'Piracy by...

  • Completing 20 sea battles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2019.png April 2019

Spring fever's got everyone feeling feisty! Earn the April Seal o'Piracy by...

  • Engaging in melees with three Brigand Kings!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2019.png March 2019

Ye've survived the endlessness of winter cabin fever, but March brings a new form o' madness to the oceans! Catch the fever and grab a stick. Earn the March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in 5 different tournaments!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2019.png February 2019

Ye'll want to search the oceans far and wide for the perfect gift for yer closest hearty this Valentine's Day. Gather yer crew and start a quest to find that special shiny! Earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, or Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2019.png January 2019

Celebrate this New Year with plunder and pillaging! If ye were generous with gifts for yer hearties, ye'll need to replenish the coffers! Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2018.png December 2018

Set out to sea with yer festive hearties and enjoy the festivities of plunder! Earn the December Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing non-Navy sessions of five (5) different duty puzzles. (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Patching, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2018.png November 2018

Forage up some fruit to help ye avoid scurvy and stockpile rations for the coming winter. Earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2018.png October 2018

Time to face the dangers of the sea. Once ye've loaded up yer hold with enough rum, set sail for adventure! Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2018.png September 2018

There's a frenzy of activity at yer local shoppe as pirates set off on adventure and plunderin'! Put a little extra coin in yer pocket this month, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2018.png August 2018

The weather has been a wee bit sweltering as of late. Tis advisable to spend some time on land until things settle down. Tap a barrel of yer favorite rum, and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2018.png July 2018

Sharpen yer sword and fill the hold with rum and cannon balls! Ye'll need show off yer best piracy skills to earn the July Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 2 different actions that earns your pirate Conqueror Reputation (Fight Brigand Kings, defeat skellies, werewolves and zombies, and complete Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2018.png June 2018

Name yerself a patron of the arrrrrts - the arrrt of piracy! Tournaments, event blockades and puzzle competition will earn ye the proper reputation, and the June Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 1 action that earns your pirate Patron Reputation (Host a tournament or event blockade, or participate in a tournament or puzzle competition. Note there must be more than 10 participants in order to qualify for the seal.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2018.png May 2018

Ye can never have too much treasure. The fastest way to make a growing pile of treasure is to pillage and plunder at sea! To earn the May Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 20 sea battles.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2018.png April 2018

Avast, thar be showers ahead! Use the cover of storms and the fury of nature to help ye plunder treasures from the Brigand Kings. Ye don't need to win, but to earn the April Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Engaging in melee with 3 Brigand Kings. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2018.png March 2018

Organize yer brackets, pick yer favorite puzzle and join the mania of March with more tournaments than ye can shake a stick at! Ye don't need to win, but to earn the March Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in four tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2018.png February 2018

Give yer hearty the perfect gift this Valentine's Day. Take em out to sea and help yer special lad or lass earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, or Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2018.png January 2018

Ring in the new year with the merry sound of cannon fire! Tis always the season to light the sky on fire. Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2017.png December 2017

December is a month o' festive gatherings and feasts. Set out to sea and spend some time celebratin' with yer hearties! To earn the December Seal o' Piracy...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Patching, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2017.png November 2017

Ye need to keep a good stock o’ limes and coconuts on hand to avoid scurvy! To help ye maintain yer health for the winter, earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2017.png October 2017

Tis the season of hauntings and ghosts. Plunder the treasure of Barnabas the Pale - if ye dare. Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Fighting the graveyard in Haunted Seas 3 times. Credit is awarded at the end of the graveyard fight, whether ye win or lose

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2017.png September 2017

Help out ye local shoppe owner, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2017.png August 2017

Escape the heat of summer with some relaxing time at the inn! Grab a mug (or two) of yer favorite grog and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2017.png July 2017

There's nothing better on a summer day than a fine mug of rum while ye smite yer enemies and pillage their goods. For July, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a cutter (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2017.png June 2017

Summer has arrived and it's time to find that perfect beach for buried treasure. While ye search for that foolproof hiding spot, earn your June Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Completing any 5 expeditions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2017.png May 2017

Set out to sea and hunt down the menacing Brigand Kings. Earn your May Seal o' Piracy by…

  • Engaging in melees with 3 Brigand Kings. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2017.png April 2017

Cabin fever has ye out on the open waters. This is the perfect time to explore that island archipelago way off in the corner of ye known world. These excursions and others will help ye earn the April Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing three (3) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2017.png March 2017

It’s still a bit cold. Why not hide in the inn for another month and earn the March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in 4 tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2017.png February 2017

You've probably stashed away mountains of loot, but your grog-soaked noggin can't seem to recall where. This month, earn the Seal by...

  • Completing 1 buried treasure expedition

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2017.png January 2017

Your New Year's resolution is to spend more time pillaging! For January, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in 3 sea battles involving a Junk and 3 sea battles involving a Fanchuan. If a battle is between a Junk and a Fanchuan, it counts towards both requirements!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2016.png December 2016

Freeze the resolve of yer enemies as ye sail the icy seas in longships - favored by frost-daughter Brynhild Skullsplitter. To earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a Longship (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2016.png November 2016

Winter is coming, it’s time to prepare! Roll up your sleeves this November and earn your Seal o’ Piracy by...

  • Completing sessions of 4 different crafting puzzles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2016.png October 2016

Scour the islands for roaming packs of undead and force them back into the seas to earn October's Seal o' Piracy!

  • Defeat 1 group of skellies and 1 group of zombies

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2016.png September 2016

A pirate's reputation is second only to his or her ambition for more loot! Earn September's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Performing 2 different actions that earn your pirate Conqueror Reputation (For example, fighting Brigand Kings, defeating skellies and zombies, or completing Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2016.png August 2016

Escape the summer heat with sea winds. The heat of battle is upon ye! Earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, Lost Shipwreck, Yeti, Brigand King)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2016.png July 2016

Venture forth to yer local inn and take a break from the seas. Earn this month's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 12 parlor game sessions (Drinking, Hearts, Spades, Poker, Treasure Drop, Brawls, Rumble and Swordfight challenges)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2016.png June 2016

Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles to earn the June Seal o' Piracy!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2016.png May 2016

Spring is in full swing! Earn the May Seal o'Piracy by...

  • Completing 20 sea battles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2016.png April 2016

Spring fever's got everyone feeling feisty! Earn the April Seal o'Piracy by...

  • Engaging in melees with three Brigand Kings!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2016.png March 2016

Ye've survived the endlessness of winter cabin fever, but March brings a new form o' madness to the oceans! Catch the fever and grab a stick. Earn the March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in 5 different tournaments!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2016.png February 2016

Ye'll want to search the oceans far and wide for the perfect gift for yer closest hearty this Valentine's Day. Gather yer crew and start a quest to find that special shiny! Earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, or Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2016.png January 2016

Celebrate this New Year with plunder and pillaging! If ye were generous with gifts for yer hearties, ye'll need to replenish the coffers! Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2015.png December 2015

Engage in ye olde tradition of pirate holiday caroling. Wear yer favorite holiday outfit as ye set out to sea with yer festive hearties. The holly and the ivy and holiday plunder! Earn the December Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing non-Navy sessions of five (5) different duty puzzles. (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Patching, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2015.png November 2015

Time to stockpile rations for the coming winter! Forage up some fruit to help ye avoid scurvy, gems to polish and shine, and gold to keep yer spirits high. Yarr, the shinies! Earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2015.png October 2015

Make a list and check it twice! Ye don't want to set sail for the far reaches of unexplored ocean without all yer provisions! Once ye've loaded up yer hold with enough rum, set sail for adventure! Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing two (2) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2015.png September 2015

There's a frenzy of activity at yer local shoppe as pirates set off on adventure and plunderin'! Put a little extra coin in yer pocket this month, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2015.png August 2015

The weather has been a wee bit unpredictable in the last few weeks. Tis advisable to spend some time on land until things settle down. Tap a barrel of yer favorite rum, and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2015.png July 2015

Sharpen yer sword and fill the hold with rum and cannon balls! Ye'll need show off yer best piracy skills to earn the July Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 2 different actions that earns your pirate Conqueror Reputation (Fight Brigand Kings, defeat skellies, werewolves and zombies, and complete Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2015.png June 2015

Name yerself a patron of the arrrrrts - the arrrt of piracy! Tournaments, event blockades and puzzle competition will earn ye the proper reputation, and the June Seal o' Piracy!

  • Perform 1 action that earns your pirate Patron Reputation (Host a tournament or event blockade, or participate in a tournament or puzzle competition. Note there must be more than 10 participants in order to qualify for the seal.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2015.png May 2015

Time to cultivate yer fortunes and watch 'em grow! The fasted way to make a growing pile of treasure is to pillage and plunder at sea! To earn the May Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 20 sea battles.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2015.png April 2015

Don't let the showers of April keep yer ship at the docks! Use the cover of storms and the fury of nature to help ye plunder treasures from the Brigand Kings. Ye don't need to win, but to earn the April Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Engaging in melee with 3 Brigand Kings. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2015.png March 2015

Organize yer brackets, pick yer favorite puzzle and join the mania of March with more tournaments than ye can shake a stick at! Ye don't need to win, but to earn the March Seal o' Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in four tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2015.png February 2015

Give yer hearty the perfect gift this Valentine's Day. Take em out to sea and help yer special lad or lass earn the February Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, or Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2015.png January 2015

Ring in the new year with the merry sound of cannon fire! Tis the season to get everything ship shape for the coming year, so start by dusting off yer pillaging skills! Earn the January Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2014.png December 2014

December is a month o' festive gatherings and feasts. For ye pirates, everyday is a reason to parrrrtry. Set out to sea and spend some time celebratin' with yer hearties! To earn the December Seal o' Piracy...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Patching, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2014.png November 2014

As ye northern wind begins to blow across the seas, ye may feel the need to stash away some rations for the coming winter. Ye need to keep a good stock o’ limes and coconuts on hand to avoid cabin fever! To help ye maintain yer health for the winter, earn the November Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 2 sessions of foraging. (Foraging while in Cursed Isles does not count.)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2014.png October 2014

Tis the season of hauntings and ghosts. We challenge ye pirates to plunder the treasure of Barnabas the Pale - if ye dare. Earn the October Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Fighting the graveyard in Haunted Seas 3 times. Credit is awarded at the end of the graveyard fight, whether ye win or lose.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2014.png September 2014

There's a frenzy o' shopping as pirates are busy buying new clothes and supplies. Help out ye local shoppe owner, and earn the September Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different crafting sessions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2014.png August 2014

Escape the full glare of the summer sun with some relaxing time at the inn! Grab a mug (or two) of yer favorite grog and earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 10 parlor games.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2014.png July 2014

There's nothing better on a summer evenin' than enjoying the glint n' glimmer of fire light reflecting off yer gold and gems. For July, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a cutter (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2014.png June 2014

Summer has arrived and it's time to find that perfect beach and put yer diggers to work. While ye search for that foolproof hiding spot, enjoy some plunderin' and add to yer treasures! Earn your June Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing any 5 expeditions.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2014.png May 2014

With the Empire’s campaign to end piracy defeated (this time), ye find the oceans are still not quite as free as ye’d like. Set out to sea and hunt down the menacing Brigand Kings. Earn your May Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Engaging in melees with 3 Brigand Kings. (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2014.png April 2014

Call it cabin fever or wanderlust, but ye feel the need to get out on the open waters and let the wind fill the sails. This is the perfect time to explore that island archipelago way off in the corner of ye known world, or try again to strike up a conversation with Vargas the Mad on his fog-shrouded islet. These excursions and others will help ye earn the April Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing three (3) actions to add to yer explorer reputation!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2014.png March 2014

The snow has melted, Jack Frost is in retreat, and pirates everywhere wonder why they still can't feel their noses. It's just the sort of distraction you can use to yer advantage as you earn the March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in 4 tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2014.png February 2014

Years of pillaging and excessive rum consumption leads to an overabundance of loot and bouts of anterograde amnesia. That's just part of the fun in being a pirate! You've probably stashed away mountains of loot, but your grog-soaked noggin can't seem to recall where. This month, celebrate your love of all things piratical by...

  • Completing 1 buried treasure expedition

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2014.png January 2014

Set a New Year's resolution to spend more time pillaging! Already doing that? Then we'll add a twist to make it more of a challenge! For January, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Participate in 3 sea battles involving a Junk and 3 sea battles involving a Fanchuan. If a battle is between a Junk and a Fanchuan, it counts towards both requirements!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2013.png December 2013

As the hoarfrost begins to form on the rigging, welcome the chilly embrace of winter. Freeze the hearts of yer enemies as ye sail the icy seas in longships - favored by frost-daughter Brynhild Skullsplitter. For December, to earn the Seal o’ Piracy ye must...

  • Complete 30 sea battles. Sea battles involving a Longship (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2013.png November 2013

November is a time to prepare for harvest celebrations and the coming winter. Preparation is a lot of hard work! This month, we’re encouraging everyone to pitch in. Plus, you can earn a bit of extra PoE for upcoming holiday shopping. Roll up your sleeves this November and earn your Seal o’ Piracy by...

  • Completing sessions of 4 different crafting puzzles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2013.png October 2013

Scour the islands for roaming packs of creatures and force them back into the seas to earn October's Seal o' Piracy!

  • Defeat 1 group of skellies and 1 group of zombies

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2013.png September 2013

A pirate's ambition for conquest is only secondary to his or her ambition for more loot! Earn September's Seal o' Piracy by cutting a swath of victory across the seas. Specifically, earn this trophy by...

  • Performing 2 different actions that earn your pirate Conqueror Reputation (fight Brigand Kings, defeat skellies and zombies, or complete Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2013.png August 2013

Summer is at least half-way gone, and before too long pirates will be in the doldrums with seasonal affective disorder. Say, how about a trophy you can look back on to remember these days of extended luminance? Earn August's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 4 different expeditions (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2013.png July 2013

Venture forth to your local inn and shoot the summer breeze. Earn this month's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 12 parlor game sessions (Drinking, Hearts, Spades, Poker, Treasure Drop, Brawls, Rumble and Swordfight challenges)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2013.png June 2013

According to the first edition of A Pirate's Primer: The Wonderful World of Swashbuckling and Scurvy, June was invented to provide space between May and July, which are two of the most argumentative months in the year. Listed somewhere in the appendices, the requirements for this month's Seal o' Piracy...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilge, Carpentry, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation, Patching)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2013.png May 2013

Many pirates were born in May under the house of Gemini; an ancient symbol of sibling bonds and neighboring communication! Naturally, pirate bonds and communication are strongest when one ship of scallywags coordinates to pummel another ship of scallywags. That's just science. You may earn this month's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 20 sea battles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2013.png April 2013

The seas can be especially bitter and turbulent in during the month of April, what with all these April showers that get talked about. Turns out most Brigand Kings aren't too fond of April and her showers, either. Take advantage of their aversion to personal hygiene and earn your April Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Engaging in melees with 3 Brigand Kings.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2013.png March 2013

Long ago, in the dark days before carpentry putty and whisking potions, men in silly robes named March after a warrior god. It marked the beginning of a new year of military conquests. Today, pirate folks simply know March as a month when green doesn't necessarily imply an impending hook or pegleg. Celebrate a little history and earn your March Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Participating in five tournaments.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2013.png February 2013

February is a month famous for its awkward love letters and chalky candies. Expeditions are known for their moldy treasure maps and mothballed treasure chests. You may receive this Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing any 2 different expeditions. (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2013.png January 2013

Was your New Year's Resolution to increase the volume of swashbuckling and cannon fire in your day-to-day pirate life? No? Well, that would have been pretty convenient because this month's Seal o' Piracy is earned by...

  • Completing 10 sea battles against brigands, and 10 sea battles against barbarians.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2012.png December 2012

If you are reading this, you are squandering time you could be using picking up items from your holiday shopping list! 'Tis the season to spend thousands of Pieces of Eight on gifts for hearties, after all. And the best way to earn those Pieces of Eight and the Seal o' Piracy for December 2012 is by...

  • Completing 25 sea battles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2012.png November 2012

The untold story behind the "harvest season" is that it isn't just about enjoying the fruits of your labor by eating massive amounts of turkey, or pie, or the ever-popular turkey pie. No, in order to enjoy the fruits of your labor, you first have to actually, well, labor. Thankfully, we're not asking you to break your back pulling up crops or anything. Nope, if you want your Seal o' Piracy for November 2012, all you have to do is...

  • Complete sessions of 4 different crafting puzzles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2012.png October 2012

Strangely enough, it would seem that the general "spookiness" level of the oceans peaks somewhere between "terrifying" and "bloodcurdling" every October. It's just like clockwork! Scary, scary clockwork. Since we're all too aware of the dangers of maxing out an ocean's spookiness level, do your part this month and earn your Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Defeating 2 of the 3 roving monster types (skellies, zombies, and werewolves)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2012.png September 2012

Teach the Brigand Kings a lesson to earn yer September 2012 Seal by...

  • Fighting in 3 Brigand King melees at sea (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2012.png August 2012

It's summertime! Relax, kick back and play a few parlor games in the comfort of your own pirate hideaway... or your favorite Inn! And best of all? We'll give you your Seal o' Piracy for August just for...

  • Completing 12 parlor game sessions (Treasure Drop, Drinking, Swordfighting, Rumble, Spades, and Hearts - only sessions in tournaments, at the parlor table, or by direct challenge count)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2012.png July 2012

If you want your Seal o' Piracy for July, you're gonna have to cause a little mayhem on the high seas! The best way to do that is by...

  • Performing 2 different actions that earn your pirate Conqueror Reputation (fight Brigand Kings, defeat skellies and zombies, or complete Imperial outpost and Viking raid expeditions)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2012.png June 2012

Fortune favors the bold, and it takes a shipload of boldness to embark on dangerous expeditions or sea monster hunts! So, if you feel like you're a true Explorer this month, you can seek out your own fortune and earn June's Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Performing 2 different actions that earn your pirate Explorer Reputation (enter a citadel in Atlantis, step foot on a Cursed Isle, or complete an expedition)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2012.png May 2012

An important part of being a Pirate King or Queen, aside from collecting lots of booty and generally causing mayhem, is giving back to your fellow pirates by throwing events and competitions. Unleash your inner Patron in May and earn your Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Performing 1 action that earns your pirate Patron Reputation (host a tournament or event blockade, or participate in a tournament or puzzle competition. Note that there must be more than 10 participants in order to qualify for the seal)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2012.png April 2012

Some might say it's foolish to voyage into waters as dangerous as Atlantis or the Haunted Seas, but you and I both know that the riches they contain are more than worth the risk. If you're looking to grab your share of that booty, as well as this month's Seal o' Piracy, you'll want to...

  • Visit 2 of 3 Sea Monster locations (Atlantean Citadel, Cursed Island, Haunted Seas Graveyard)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2012.png March 2012

It's March Mayhem! The March Seal o' Piracy can be earned just by taking part in some tournaments. You don't have to win, you just have to play! To get your Seal for March 2012, all you need to do is...

  • Participate in five tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2012.png February 2012

Once ye've regained yer bearings from the ocean merger, ye can earn yer February 2012 Seal o' Piracy by lovingly...

  • Completing a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2012.png January 2012

Keep it simple and start the new year off right. Earn yer January 2012 Seal by:

  • Facing 10 Brigands and 10 Barbarians in Sea Battle.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2011.png December 2011

Get out onto the crisp, cold seas and knock some Brigand King heads together to earn yer December 2011 Seal by...

  • Fighting in 3 Brigand King melees at sea (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2011.png November 2011

November is traditionally a month of rest and relaxation in Puzzle Pirates after a typically harrowing "Shocktober", and this year is no exception. Which do you typically prefer? Snarling werewolves, or pumpkin pie? Otherworldly terror, or giving thanks for no longer being inflicted with otherworldly terror? Thankfully, you don't have to make such difficult choices: you can enjoy both! And what's the best way to enjoy November? Why, it's earning your Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 12 parlor game sessions (Treasure Drop, Drinking, Swordfighting, Rumble, Spades, and Hearts - only sessions in tournaments, at the parlor table or by direct challenge count)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2011.png October 2011

October is traditionally the spookiest month of the Puzzle Pirates year. We think this is a little unfair to October, as we've always been a little unduly freaked out by March, but who are we to break from tradition? Thus, if you want this month's Seal o' Piracy, you'll have to...

  • Defeat 2 of the 3 monster types: skellies, zombies, and werewolves

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2011.png September 2011

We all have a favorite Expedition type. Mine, for example, is treasure hauling shipwrecks. I could probably do that all day long, taking breaks only to eat and roll around in a giant pile of coins. But variety is the key to a healthy pirate lifestyle, and so this September we want you to stretch your legs a bit. Broaden your horizons! Expand your boundaries! In practical terms, that means that if you want this month's Seal o' Piracy, you'll have to...

  • Complete four different types of Expedition (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, Lost Shipwreck, Merchant Hunt, Brigand King Hunt)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2011.png August 2011

As we begin to head into the Dog Days of summer, we felt it would be appropriate to reward everyone who is particularly "dogged" this month. Of course, by that we don't mean barking loudly at strangers or sticking your head out of a porthole and letting your tongue lap in the breeze. No, if you're looking to earn your Seal o' Piracy for this month, you'll need to...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2011.png July 2011

The theme for Puzzle Pirates this month is "Summer Vacation"! And what better place to vacation this summer than in a friendly, inviting Sea Monster Zone? The Seal o' Piracy for July 2011 has been brought to you by the Cursed Isles Tourism Board, and if you want it, you'll have to...

  • Visit 2 of 3 Sea Monster locations (Atlantean Citadel, Cursed Island, Haunted Seas Graveyard)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2011.png June 2011

Don't think we're going to let you off easily this month just because it's the beginning of summer. No way! It'll take some elbow grease if you want to take home the prize this month. Those ships, potions, hats, tables and casks of rum aren't going to make themselves, after all, so get to work! In order to earn your Seal o' Piracy for June 2011, you'll have to...

  • Complete sessions of 4 different crafting puzzles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2011.png May 2011

With the arrival of Yu Jian's fleet, the seas are more dangerous than ever. Thankfully, the arrival of Brigand King Compasses at the Explorers' Hall means you can take the fight directly to her and the other Brigand Kings this month! So, if you want to earn your Seal o' Piracy for May 2011, you'll have to make the seas a safer place by...

  • Fighting in 3 Brigand King melees at sea (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2011.png April 2011

April is the time of year when the weather first begins to change, and young men's fancy turns to thoughts of clobbering brigands. Indeed, it's well known across the oceans that April displays of power bring May flowers! That's a scientific fact. So, if want your Seal o' Piracy for April 2011, and you don't want to be solely responsible for May ending up a flowerless, sad month, yer gonna have to...

  • Complete 25 sea battles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2011.png March 2011

We're going a little crazy this month: March's Seal o' Piracy can be earned just by taking part in some tournaments. You don't have to win, you just have to play! We assume you were going to take part in a few tournaments this month, anyway, so this is just a fun bonus! It's March Madness! Well, not quite. At any rate, to snag your Seal for March 2011, all you need to do is...

  • Participate in five tournaments

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2011.png February 2011

Thanks to Valentine's Day, February is the unofficial month of love! And what do pirates love the most? No, I wasn't thinking of treasure. No, not rum, either. Look, do you want to hear about the Seal o' Piracy for February 2011 or not?

What I was referring to was expeditions. Pirates love expeditions! So much so, that in order to earn your Seal for this month, you'll need to...

  • Complete four different types of Expedition (Imperial Outpost, Viking Defense, Buried Treasure Atoll, Lost Shipwreck)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2011.png January 2011

Noooo! It's the Dead of Winter! They're coming to get you! THEY'RE COMING TO... OK, they're actually coming a bit slower than usual, on account of the cold. Well, while we wait for our impending doom courtesy of the shambling hordes of zombies, I'll let you in on how to earn the Seal o' Piracy for January 2011. All you have to do is...

  • Defeat 1 group of skellies and 1 group of zombies


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2010.png December 2010

It's entirely possible that between all the feasting and celebrating and gift-giving this December, you'll be interested in earning your Seal o' Piracy. In that case, you'll have to hit the high seas this holiday and make certain to...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2010.png November 2010

We were going to use this space to advocate that most Puzzle Pirates take some time in November to make certain that their crops are harvested and everything is in order for the coming Winter, but then we remembered that pirates don't typically farm. In that case, we instead heartily recommend you take it easy this month and earn your Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Completing 12 parlor game sessions (Treasure Drop, Drinking, Swordfighting, Rumble, Spades, and Hearts - only sessions in tournaments, at the parlor table or by direct challenge count)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2010.png October 2010

Every October, the hallowed tradition of trick-or-treating takes on a slightly different form in Puzzle Pirates. There isn't any candy (just Pieces of Eight), and rather than knocking on doors, you shoot enemy ships full of holes. It's generally agreed that this is a much more elegant process. We know Halloween isn't until the end of the month, but why not get a head start on your, ahem, "trick-or-treating" this year and earn your Seal o' Piracy for October 2010 by...

  • Facing 10 Barbarians and 10 Brigands in Sea Battle

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2010.png September 2010

With the rise of a new Sea Monster Lair, we think it's high time you pay a visit to some of the locales on the high seas that you may have previously been neglecting, lest they get jealous. So, to earn your Seal o' Piracy for September 2010, you'll have to visit and complete four of the following six areas...

  • An Atlantean Citadel!
  • A Cursed Island!
  • A Haunted Ship Graveyard!
  • A Buried Treasure Atoll!
  • A Lost Shipwreck Expedition!
  • An Imperial Outpost!

Pirates on the Crimson Ocean were only required to visit two of these areas to qualify.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2010.png August 2010

Admit it: you have a favorite puzzle. Every time you get aboard a ship, or hit the Inn, you always make a beeline for it. Well, we think it's time for a change! This August, we want you to shift things up by playing a single session of a whole bunch of the puzzles. Labor, parlor, duty, whatever: just play 12 different ones this month, and we'll give you your August Seal o' Piracy. Sounds easy enough, right? Oh, and your favorite puzzle does count for this: we're not monsters.

Once again, to earn your Seal o' Piracy for August, you'll need to...

  • Play 12 different puzzles (Battle Navigation does not count as a puzzle for the purposes of this Seal)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- July 2010.png July 2010

A variety of new items from the Eastern Seas have washed ashore this summer, including a new type of vessel, the Junk. The wise pirate does his homework on any possible opponent, so earning your Seal o' Piracy for July will require you to scout out the capabilities of these new vessels. This will require you to...

  • Complete 30 sea battles; sea battles involving a Junk (either as your ship or the opponent) count triple

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- June 2010.png June 2010

An onslaught of information on their movements have made the Brigand Kings much more prevalent in recent days, but this hasn't made them any less brutal in combat. Test your strength against them this June and earn your Seal o' Piracy by...

  • Fighting in 3 Brigand King melees at sea (Cursed Isles and Brigand King Blockades not included; credit is awarded for reaching the melee, whether you win or lose)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- May 2010.png May 2010

May 2010's Seal o' Piracy will require you to put back out to sea! Be sure to bring your best hearties, however, as work in the Navy won't count this time around! To earn your Seal, you'll need to...

  • Complete a non-Navy session of 5 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- April 2010.png April 2010

To earn the April Seal o' Piracy for 2010, yer gonna have to get to work! There's potions and rum that need brewin', and that cloth isn't gonna weave itself (even if it used to). A little sweat on yer brow will do ye some good! Be sure to pace yerself, however, as to earn yer Seal, ye'll need to...

  • Complete sessions of 4 different crafting puzzles

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- March 2010.png March 2010

Pirates aren't known to be the most hygienic folk, so in order to earn the March Seal o' Piracy for 2010, ye'll have to get a bit creative with yer Spring cleaning. Rather than pick some of the trash up from yer shack or clean yer ears out, we instead recommend cleansing the ocean of brigands and barbarians by...

  • Completing 25 sea battles

Any sea battle counts, regardless of who it is against, as long as the final brawl is completed.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- February 2010.png February 2010

February's Seal o' Piracy was intended to give a pirate a great excuse to invite that special someone out for a romantic voyage to some exotic locales. Earning the Seal in February 2010 required pirates to visit and complete three of the following five areas...

  • An Atlantean Citadel!
  • A Cursed Island!
  • A Buried Treasure Atoll!
  • A Lost Shipwreck!
  • An Imperial Outpost!

Pirates on the Crimson Ocean were only required to visit two of those areas to qualify.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- January 2010.png January 2010

Happy New Year! Celebrate the dawning of another year with a new monthly Seal! Available only to pirates who party their absolute hardest, the January 2010 Seal o' Piracy required you to...

  • Complete a session of every parlor/Inn game, except poker (Treasure Drop, Drinking, Team Swordfighting, Team Rumble, Spades, Hearts)

Pirates on the Crimson Ocean were only required to complete sessions of Treasure Drop, Team Swordfighting and Team Rumble.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- December 2009.png December 2009

There's no better way to spend the holidays than adventuring on the high seas with your best hearties! Earning the December 2009 Seal required pirates to...

  • Complete 10 expeditions (Shipwreck, Buried Treasure, Merchant Ship, or Imperial Outpost)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- November 2009.png November 2009

As the year progresses and Winter creeps ever closer, pirates everywhere are working hard to get all kinds of piracy done before the traditional Harvest Celebration at the end of November. Do yer part! In order to earn the Seal o' Piracy for November 2009, pirates needed to simply...

  • Complete a session of 6 different duty puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry, Sailing, Rigging, Gunning, Navigation, Foraging or Treasure Haul)

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- October 2009.png October 2009

October's Seal o' Piracy required pirates to do their part to banish the cloud of gloom that is always threatening to engulf the oceans. Pirates who desired the October 2009 Seal simply needed to...

  • Fight and defeat one group of skellies
  • Fight and defeat one group of zombies

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- September 2009.png September 2009

September's Seal o' Piracy required pirates to venture to far off vacation spots and acquire all sorts of loot from them. Earning the Seal in September 2009 required pirates to visit and complete three of the following four areas...

  • An Atlantean Citadel!
  • A Cursed Island!
  • A Buried Treasure Atoll!
  • A Lost Shipwreck!

Pirates on the Crimson Ocean were only required to visit two of those areas to qualify.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- August 2009.png August 2009

Earning the inaugural Seal required pirates to accomplish one of three grand feats of piracy, a different one for each week! Completing the Seal challenge of a particular week also earned you an entry in that week's Sweepstakes! The three weeks and their associated feats were...

  • August 7th to August 13th
    • Complete 10 in-game one-on-one challenges with non-player or player opponents
  • August 14th to August 20st
    • Complete 10 sea battles during the period of the sweepstakes
  • August 21st to August 27th
    • Complete 10 different puzzles

Seasonal Seals


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2025.png Winter 2025

True pirates, indeed, ye've pillaged and puzzled to earn the seals for December 2024, January 2025 and February 2025! Now yer rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2025!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2024.png Autumn 2024

Ye’ve crafted, explored, and foraged yer way to earn the seals for September 2024, October 2024 and November 2024! Thus ye’ve been rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2024!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2024.png Summer 2024

Ye were busy this summer hostin’ events', bravin’ dangerous seas, and runnin’ the table in the inn to earn the seals for June 2024, July 2024 and August 2024! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2024!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2024.png Spring 2024

Ye sprang into action this spring - HARRR! If ye earned the seals for March 2024, April 2024 and May 2024. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2024!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2024.png Winter 2024

Ye’ve shown Old Man Winter who owns the seas! If ye battled through the cold to earn the seals for December 2023, January 2024, and February 2024, ye shall be awarded the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2024!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2023.png Autumn 2023

If ye survived the graveyard of Haunted Seas, and still found time for crafting and foraging, to earn the seals for September 2023, October 2023 and November 2023! Thus ye’ve been rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2023!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2023.png Summer 2023

Ye were busy this summer Pillagin', explorin', and carousin'. It likely wasn't too much work for ye to earn the seals for June 2023, July 2023 and August 2023! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2023!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2023.png Spring 2023

Ye sprang into action this spring - HARRR! If ye earned the seals for March 2023, April 2023 and May 2023. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2023!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2023.png Winter 2023

It has been a fierce fight against Old Man Winter! Ye pirates battled through the cold to earn the seals for December 2022 and January 2023. Ye even found the buried treasure for February 2023! Ye shall be awarded the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2023!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2022.png Autumn 2022

This autumn season ye made a reputation for yerself, fought back the cursed hordes, and craft yer way to wealth to earn the seals for September 2022, October 2022 and November 2022! For this ye're rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2022!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2022.png Summer 2022

Ye braved the heat and proved your worth as a pirate while earning the seals for June 2022, July 2022 and August 2022! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2022!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2022.png Spring 2022

If ye survived the tournaments, Brigand King melees, and completed 20 sea battles, then ye earned the seals for March 2022, April 2022 and May 2022. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2022!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2022.png Winter 2022

True pirates, indeed, ye've pillaged and puzzled to earn the seals for December 2021, January 2022 and February 2022! Now yer rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2022!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2021.png Autumn 2021

Ye’ve crafted, explored, and foraged yer way to earn the seals for September 2021, October 2021 and November 2021! Thus ye’ve been rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2021!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2021.png Summer 2021

Ye were busy this summer hostin’ events', bravin’ dangerous seas, and runnin’ the table in the inn to earn the seals for June 2021, July 2021 and August 2021! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2021!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2021.png Spring 2021

Ye sprang into action this spring - HARRR! If ye earned the seals for March 2021, April 2021 and May 2021. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2021!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2021.png Winter 2021

Ye’ve shown Old Man Winter who owns the seas! If ye battled through the cold to earn the seals for December 2020, January 2021, and February 2021, ye shall be awarded the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2021!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2020.png Autumn 2020

If ye survived the graveyard of Haunted Seas, and still found time for crafting and foraging, to earn the seals for September 2020, October 2020 and November 2020! Thus ye’ve been rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2020!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2020.png Summer 2020

Ye were busy this summer Pillagin', explorin', and carousin'. It likely wasn't too much work for ye to earn the seals for June 2014, July 2020 and August 2020! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2020!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2020.png Spring 2020

Ye sprang into action this spring - HARRR! If ye earned the seals for March 2020, April 2020 and May 2020. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2020!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2020.png Winter 2020

It has been a fierce fight against Old Man Winter! Ye pirates battled through the cold to earn the seals for December 2019 and January 2020. Ye even found the buried treasure for February 2020! Ye shall be awarded the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2020!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2019.png Autumn 2019

This autumn season ye made a reputation for yerself, fought back the cursed hordes, and craft yer way to wealth to earn the seals for September 2019, October 2019 and November 2019! For this ye're rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2019!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2019.png Summer 2019

Ye braved the heat and proved your worth as a pirate while earning the seals for June 2019, July 2019 and August 2019! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2019!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2019.png Spring 2019

If ye survived the tournaments, Brigand King melees, and completed 20 sea battles, then ye earned the seals for March 2019, April 2019 and May 2019. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2019!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2019.png Winter 2019

True pirates, indeed, ye've pillaged and puzzled to earn the seals for December 2018, January 2019 and February 2019! Now yer rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2019!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2018.png Autumn 2018

Ye’ve crafted, explored, and foraged yer way to earn the seals for September 2018, October 2018 and November 2018! Thus ye’ve been rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2018!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2018.png Summer 2018

Ye were busy this summer hostin’ events', bravin’ dangerous seas, and runnin’ the table in the inn to earn the seals for June 2018, July 2018 and August 2018! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2018!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2018.png Spring 2018

Ye sprang into action this spring - HARRR! If ye earned the seals for March 2018, April 2018 and May 2018. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2018!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2018.png Winter 2018

Ye’ve shown Old Man Winter who owns the seas! If ye battled through the cold to earn the seals for December 2017, January 2018, and February 2018, ye shall be awarded the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2018!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2017.png Autumn 2017

If ye survived the graveyard of Haunted Seas, and still found time for crafting and foraging, to earn the seals for September 2017, October 2017 and November 2017! Thus ye’ve been rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2017!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2017.png Summer 2017

Ye were busy this summer Pillagin', explorin', and carousin'. It likely wasn't too much work for ye to earn the seals for June 2014, July 2017 and August 2017! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2017!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2017.png Spring 2017

Ye sprang into action this spring - HARRR! If ye earned the seals for March 2017, April 2017 and May 2017. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2017!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2017.png Winter 2017

It has been a fierce fight against Old Man Winter! Ye pirates battled through the cold to earn the seals for December 2016 and January 2017. Ye even found the buried treasure for February 2017! Ye shall be awarded the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2017!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2016.png Autumn 2016

This autumn season ye made a reputation for yerself, fought back the cursed hordes, and craft yer way to wealth to earn the seals for September 2016, October 2016 and November 2016! For this ye're rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2016!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2016.png Summer 2016

Ye braved the heat and proved your worth as a pirate while earning the seals for June 2016, July 2016 and August 2016! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2016!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2016.png Spring 2016

If ye survived the tournaments, Brigand King melees, and completed 20 sea battles, then ye earned the seals for March 2016, April 2016 and May 2016. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2016!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2016.png Winter 2016

True pirates, indeed, ye've pillaged and puzzled to earn the seals for December 2015, January 2016 and February 2016! Now yer rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2016!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2015.png Autumn 2015

Ye've been hard at work crafting, foraging and exploring the oceans before the onset of winter and the hard work earned ye the seals for September 2015, October 2015 and November 2015! This means ye're rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2015!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2015.png Summer 2015

Ye've increased yer reputation as a patron o' the arrts and a fierce conqueror, plus spent some time at the parlor tables to earn the seals for June 2015, July 2015 and August 2015! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2015!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2015.png Spring 2015

If ye survived the tournament mania, plundered Brigand King booty, and completed 20 sea battles, then ye earned the seals for March 2015, April 2015 and May 2015. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2015!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2015.png Winter 2015

Ye ardent pirates have puzzled and pillaged yer way across the oceans to earn the seals for December 2014, January 2015 and February 2015! Now enjoy the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2015!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2014.png Autumn 2014

Ye’ve had a frightening fall, but if ye survived the graveyard of Haunted Seas, and still found time for crafting and foraging, ye likely earned the seals for September 2014, October 2014 and November 2014! This means ye're rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2014!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2014.png Summer 2014

Pillagin', explorin', and carousin' are the daily pleasures of bein' a pirate. It likely wasn't too much work for ye to earn the seals for June 2014, July 2014 and August 2014! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2014!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2014.png Spring 2014

Ye’ve spent quite a bit of time out at sea this spring - YARRR! If ye also made some time for carousing via the tournament board , then ye earned the seals for March 2014, April 2014 and May 2014. We’re happy to reward ye with the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2014!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2014.png Winter 2014

It has been a fierce fight against Old Man Winter! Ye pirates battled through the cold to earn the seals for December 2013 and January 2014. Ye even found the buried treasure for February 2014! Ye find yerself awarded the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2014!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2013.png Autumn 2013

This autumn season ye have found the time to make a reputation for yerself, fight back the cursed hordes, and craft yer way to wealth to earn the seals for September 2013, October 2013 and November 2013! This means ye're rewarded with the Seal o' Piracy for Autumn 2013!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2013.png Summer 2013

Pirate ships can get mighty ripe during the summer months, but you somehow managed to bear it all and earn the seals for June 2013, July 2013 and August 2013! This means you've also earned the Seal o' Piracy for Summer 2013!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2013.png Spring 2013

Shed those heavy coats and welcome the thaw, if you managed to obtain the seals for March 2013, April 2013 and May 2013, then you clearly deserve the Seal o' Piracy for Spring 2013.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2013.png Winter 2013

You made it through the long dark of winter while managing to hang on to the December 2012, January 2013 and February 2013 Seals o' Piracy! You deserve the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2013!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2012.png Autumn 2012

Earning the September 2012, October 2012 and November 2012 Seals will have granted you the coveted Autumn 2012 Seal o' Piracy. Celebrate by holding an OceanMaster doll upside down in a portrait! We won't tell.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2012.png Summer 2012

Though most of the ocean was likely busy patching nine years' worth of sail damage, anyone who took a moment to earn the Seals for June 2012, July 2012 and August 2012 was rewarded with the Summer 2012 Seal o' Piracy!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2012.png Spring 2012

Provided that you left enough time between buying Gold Boxes and having your portrait taken to earn the Seals for March 2012, April 2012 and May 2012, we're happy to award you the Spring 2012 Seal o' Piracy!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2012.png Winter 2012

If you managed to weather the ocean merge and still have enough wits about you to earn the December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 Seals o' Piracy, we think you more than deserve the Seal o' Piracy for Winter 2012!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2011.png Autumn 2011

Successfully navigating the Steam launch, the chocolate boxes, the werewolf invasion and the Harvest Celebration while still earning your monthly Seals o' Piracy for September 2011, October 2011 and November 2011 will have earned you the prized Autumn 2011 Seal o' Piracy. A hearty Autumn congratulations!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2011.png Summer 2011

Did you spend the summer crafting, pillaging and attacking Sea Monsters? Did you manage to earn the June 2011, July 2011 and August 2011 Seals o' Piracy? If so, you've earned yourself the Summer 2011 Seal o' Piracy! You've already collected the real prize, however: all the fun you had playing Puzzle Pirates with your hearties this summer!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2011.png Spring 2011

The Seals for March 2011, April 2011 and May 2011 were very competitive in nature: we had you fighting brigands, Brigand Kings, and even each other! If you persevered, however, and snagged all three, you'll have been rewarded with the Spring 2011 Seal o' Piracy. Congrats!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2011.png Winter 2011

Winter was especially cold this year, what with the Dead of Winter and the arrival of the Vikings! If you managed to snag the December 2010, January 2011 and February 2011 Seals in spite of all that, however, you definitely deserve the Winter 2011 Seal o' Piracy.


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2010.png Autumn 2010

If you managed to not have your pants scared off of you in 2010 by the rise of the Haunted Seas and the Wraithly Raiders, you should have been in good shape to earn your Autumn 2010 Seal o' Piracy by collecting the September 2010, October 2010 and November 2010 Seals.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Summer 2010.png Summer 2010

You do know that you were supposed to be spending the summer relaxing, not scrambling to earn the June 2010, July 2010 and August 2010 Seals o' Piracy, right? Well, if you didn't heed my advice and ended up obtaining those three trophies instead of cooling your heels in the Inn playing poker, you'll have earned yourself the Summer 2010 Seal o' Piracy. And who said hard work never paid off?

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Spring 2010.png Spring 2010

The Spring 2010 Seal o' Piracy will be bestowed to any particularly plucky pirate who earned him or herself the March 2010, April 2010 and May 2010 Seals o' Piracy. Whew! Feel free to take a well-earned Summer vacation after all that!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Winter 2010.png Winter 2010

If you managed to brave the cold and successfully obtain the monthly Seals o' Piracy for December 2009, January 2010 and February 2010, you will have also earned yourself the Winter 2010 Seal o' Piracy!


Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- Autumn 2009.png Autumn 2009

2009's Harvest Celebration was rung in with the very first seasonal Seal! Successfully obtaining the monthly Seals o' Piracy for September 2009, October 2009 and November 2009 will have earned you the coveted Autumn 2009 Seal o' Piracy.

Annual Seals

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2024.png 2024

Yer the type of pirate spoken of in awed whispers! If ye were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2024, ye'll find yerself with the coveted 2024 Seal o' Piracy. Well done!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2023.png 2023

Yer the old salts of the sea! If ye were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2023, ye'll find yerself with the coveted 2023 Seal o' Piracy. Well done!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2022.png 2022

Yer a pirate of legend! Only the most dastardly pirates were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2022. Those rare few have it commemorated by the 2022 Seal o' Piracy. Yarr!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2021.png 2021

Yer the type of pirate spoken of in awed whispers! If ye were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2021, ye'll find yerself with the coveted 2021 Seal o' Piracy. Well done!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2020.png 2020

Yer the old salts of the sea! If ye were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2020, ye'll find yerself with the coveted 2020 Seal o' Piracy. Well done!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2019.png 2019

Yer a pirate of legend! Only the most dastardly pirates were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2019. Those rare few have it commemorated by the 2019 Seal o' Piracy. Yarr!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2018.png 2018

Yer the type of pirate spoken of in awed whispers! If ye were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2018, ye'll find yerself with the coveted 2018 Seal o' Piracy. Well done!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2017.png 2017

Yer the old salts of the sea! If ye were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2017, ye'll find yerself with the coveted 2017 Seal o' Piracy. Well done!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2016.png 2016

Yer an old salt of the seas! Only the most fearsome of pirates were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2016. Those rare few have it commemorated by the 2016 Seal o' Piracy. Yarr!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2015.png 2015

Ye pirates proved that yer worth yer weight in rum! If ye were able to earn all twelve Seals in 2015, ye'll find yerself with the gleaming 2015 Seal o' Piracy. Well done!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2014.png 2014

There were some strange new creatures discovered in 2014. If ye were able to avoid the wrathful tentacles of the mighty Kraken and earn all twelve Seals in 2014, ye'll find yerself with the shiny 2014 Seal o' Piracy. Be sure to share it with yer Chameleon.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2013.png 2013

Any old pirate can drink rum and plunder at sea, but only well-rounded pirates earned all twelve Seals in 2013. Show off yer accomplishment with the 2013 Seal o' Piracy. If anyone makes fun, force 'em to walk the plank!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2012.png 2012

It would have taken a real pirate to earn all twelve Seals in 2012, and so anyone accomplishing such a feat will have it commemorated by the very rare 2012 Seal o' Piracy. Real pirates like trophies, right? Let's assume they like trophies.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2011.png 2011

Managing to complete the requirements for all twelve Seals in 2011 will have snagged you this sparkling 2011 Seal o' Piracy. Show it off with pride!

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2010.png 2010

Earning all twelve Seals in 2010 will have earned you this lovely 2010 Seal o' Piracy. Earning only eleven or fewer qualifies you for a sad shake of the head from Eightycats.

Trophy-Seal o' Piracy- 2009.png 2009

Diligence in collecting the five Seals released in 2009 will have earned you the coveted 2009 Seal o' Piracy! If you missed out this time around, well... there's always next year!