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Fight Club 2006
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Derkor is currently a senior officer in the crew Keepers of Chaos and a member of the flag Argonauts of Thessaly. Active in the inn he will often be seen selling many goods pillaged and many that he has obtained from various sources.

  • Only does well in sailing (always excellent / incredible) yet PP won't even give him Proficient.
  • Current streak of over 100 games of Alchemistry without a good or lower
  • Won an Inferno Sloop in a simple game of trivia at Lima Inn. The answer was "Band of Brothers"
  • Collected many toys during the most recent competition
  • Promptly sold the toys citing no reason for them.
  • Once officer of Black Plague
  • Created February 20, 2006

Has anyone ever thought about how much of a waste of time Puzzle Pirates has been in everyone's lives? Well I believe that there really isn't any reason for doing any of this other than to simply feel cool. But even deeper than that, self encouragement is the main driving force behind everything, is it not? If you disagree then let me know, but then again ask yourself the question who am I? What am I? I am nothing more than a living breathing piece of collected and arranged elements. I am nothing more than this computer, nothing more than a rock, dirt, excrement. There is nothing in this world that exists in higher regard than humans yet we are simply the Earth on which we tread.