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Harrydoodah (also known as Harry or separately Doodah) is a Senior Officer of the crew Royally Screwed and Royalty of the flag Son's of Guns

Harrydoodah is a malicious pirate who will do whatever it takes (yet still sticking to the pirate code) to get what he wants when he wants it. He plays nice and sweet, but inside he knows he's there to scare!

Contributions and Awards


Harrydoodah started his puzzling career on Jun 22, 2005.

His first uneasy steps found him jumping from crew to crew becoming familiar with the high seas. Then after a long search, he had found his desired crew. Hbomb of the crew Friendly Pirates embraced Harrydoodah as one of her minions. However not after long, he had climbed his way through the ranks, and earnt the position of Senior Officer. Sadly this pirates flame had come to an end after 2 hard working years. He decided to make a leave, printing his footmark in the crew by leaving his ships behind for their use.
After a few years of gathering his thoughts, Harrydoodah leapt back into action in the summer holidays of 2008. With a flying start, he found himself earning the position of Senior Officer in the crew The Ocean Stars, captained by Linoko. Slowly but surely, Harrydoodah earned himself wisdom and knowledge of the ways of Jolly Roger and became a devastating pirate pillaging the seas everyday! Recruiting more members and brimming with power, the Ocean Stars put themselves into the top 10 of crew fame! However, after hard work and hours of determination, the crew began falling. Sadly, vital members departed and left the crew. This ripped into the fine foundation of The Ocean Stars which ending up collapsing around May 2011 and merging into the crew Royally Screwed captained by Legendhunter.
Harrydoodah was given the place of Senior Officer immediately for his work in the previous beloved crew. This was when Harrydoodah met Legendhunter. Their friendship had burst into life, and they formed a great bond. Sadly, Legendhunter had left the position of captain, and had passed the power down to Rebelchic, his first-mate. From there Royally screwed had become under the influence of the flag Lost Souls. However soon later they had created their own flag called Son's of Guns. Harrydoodah immediately kicked into pillaging and recruiting as ever. However after earning some riches and becoming more aware of business, he then started a foraging scheme with Rebelchic. Both pirates worked hard at transporting and managed to build their friendship. The foraging was put on hold as the crew had to earn more members to raise the ranks of the ocean!