The Greatful Dead

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The Greatful Dead at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Bruni-West
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Mutual Agreement
Founded 14 May, 2007
Dormant as of 27 August, 2012
Crews-The Greatful Dead.jpg

The Greatful Dead was a chatty bunch that sailed the Sage Ocean that was founded on the 14th of May 2007. The crew flew under the flag Mutual Agreement.

History of The Greatful Dead

Seniorbalzac and Brunheeldah ventured onto the great ocean of Sage in March of 2007 finding themselves jobbing for The Arthurian Knights under the leadership of Captain Soarian. They joined up and met Tonigirl, becoming fast friends. They learned the ways of the ocean and ascended through the ranks.

Disagreements soon caused the three of them to part ways with their beloved captain and form their new crew, The Greatful Dead, along with Rhi, Alatriste and Servilia. They joined the flag Phoenix Rising, but again disagreements caused a rift and Senior and Bruni sailed on alone. After a week of flaglessness, Senior was approached by Wazzy and the Dead soon joined the flag Eternal Glory, due to their mutual passion for blockade action. Again disagreements sent Bruni and Senior packing and formed a new flag, Couch Potato Armada.

Tired of greenie jobbers and crew hoppers, Bruni and Senior let the crew go dormant and joined Your Worst Nightmare of Hardcore Explorers with friends Lizzyie, Roxianne, Laurel, and Thranduill under Queen Dendrobia. They enjoyed the activity that a large flag can bring.

Soon they longed for unlocked ships and quiet and decided to go back to Greatful Dead. Missing their friends, they brought the Dead into Hardcore Explorers. Everyone soon left to go onto new pirate goals and the crew retired into Honor Above All. After almost 2 years of retirement and a stint in Viridian, Seniorbalzac resurrected the crew and dropped it off into his wife's flag Mutual Agreement.

The Greatful Dead seek to be a crew that accepts pirates for who they are and encourages them to grow into the pirate they choose to be. They hope to help people accomplish their goals and enjoy the fantastic world of Puzzle Pirates.

Public Statement

Mostly retired.

If I had a gun for every ace I've drawn, I could arm a town the size of Abilene.

Don't you push me baby cause I'm moaning low. You know I'm only in it for the gold.

All that I am asking for is ten gold dollars. I could pay you back with one good hand.

You can look around about the wide world over, You'll never find another honest man.

Last fair deal in the country, sweet Suzy. Last fair deal in the town. Put your gold money where your love is, baby. Before you let my deal go down.

Don't you push me baby because I'm moaning low. I know a little something you won't ever know. Don't you touch hard liquor, just a cup of cold coffee. Gonna get up in the morning and go.

Everybody's bragging and drinking that wine. I can tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shine. Come to Daddy on an inside straight.

I got no chance of losing this time.

No, I got no chance of losing this time

For those wishing to join the crew, don't ask what rank you will be if you join, we wont answer.

Anyone wishing to join the crew will not get higher than officer until we trust you enough.

Once in the crew I, Seniorbalzac, will decide what your rank will be and when you will get that rank, so don't ask. Your rank will be based on puzzle skill, game knowledge and trust.

Promotion Requirements

Any promotions are of course up to the captain's discretion, as well as demotions. We also like to assign titles, so if you have one you would like to have, let us know... otherwise one will be assigned to you at random.

  • Cabin person: hmmmm...not a fun title. (reserved for greenies, dock tarts and alts)
  • Pirate: get a badge
  • Officer: at least solid/distinguished on all pirate skills (carp, sails, bilge, and guns). We also require that you spend a few days pillying with us before you are promoted to officer to get to know you and make sure you are trustworthy with the title.
  • Fleet officer: solid/distinguished battle navigation (bnav), solid duty navigation (dnav), also need to acquire a vessel of some kind
  • SENIOR OFFICER: An SO needs to be an ACTIVE pirate and have the ability to run the crew as if you were captain, as this is what the SO does when the captain is not on. They need to run or assist in crew pillies and recruit and train new crew and flag members.

Words of Wisdom

  • ALWAYS ask permission to board (ptb) before going on a ship smaller than a war brig. ALWAYS.
  • Don't leave in the middle of battle unless it is an emergency. Leaving before or after is always allowed but saying that you have to leave is appreciated so the crew has time to hire more staff.
  • Be respectful of your superior officers and crew mates. You don't have to like them, but we go by the golden rule (Treat others the way you would want to be treated).