Souper Pun Thyme

From YPPedia
Souper Pun Thyme at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Djamakeh
Senior Officer(s) Haarden, Mrow
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Trader Shares
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 28 April, 2010
Disbanded as of 27 July, 2013

Souper Pun Thyme was a crew on the Sage Ocean founded on April 28th, 2010 by Djamakeh. The crew previously flew the flag flag Lost in Translation.

Crew Articles

5 Simple rules for Jobbers! If you can't (or won't) follow them, please stay away from us :)

  1. If you decide to job for us, STAY ON THE SHIP. Don't come on and leave after 1 second without saying anything. (if you do, we'll probably never job you again)
  2. Don't be a poor sport. Just because we loose one battle doesn't mean we'll loose them all.
  3. You're a jobber. Please don't tell the Commanding Officers how to run their pillys.
  4. Be nice, be freindly, and we'll treat you the same way.
  5. DON'T ASK to join the crew. You'll be offered an invite if we think you're a good fit.

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