Skerby Sea Spunk

From YPPedia
Skerby Sea Spunk at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Captain Crazygeorgeb (Dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Abeballer, Allone, Xxace (ALL are dormant)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation The Broken Crown
Founded 13 February, 2011
Dormant as of 6 December, 2016
Favicon.png Crew Info

Skerby Sea Spunk is a dormant crew on the Meridian Ocean, which belongs to the flag The Broken Crown.


Skerby Sea Spunk was founded on the 15th of March, in 2011, on the former Viridian Ocean.

Captaincy history

  1. Hallelane (? - ~May 25, 2011)
  2. Crazygeorgeb (~May 25, 2011 - present)

Public statement

If you ain't runnin with it, run from it.

Extended public statement

These are the general guidlines for promotion. Please look at these ranks first. (Emphasis on nav for Officers and up) Cabin person - for those that are new to the game (so we can better spot and assist)[br][/br] Pirate - Standard rank unless you're new to puzzle pirates Officer - Must have battle navigating experience and pass a pillaging test issued by the captain or a senior officer. Ask to schedule a time to take it.***Notice that participation in crew activities (helping pilly/SMH/trade runs/etc.) weighs more heavily than actual stats. Fleet Officer - This promotion requires a large amount of trust, consistency in your participation and actions, and at least one recommendation issured by a current SO. Senior Officer - This position is hand picked by the Captain and current Senior Officers. It is a privilege, not a right. Exceptions - We have known you from prior interactions and have participated in pillages you've ran.

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