Motley Crue (defunct)

From YPPedia
Motley Crue at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Bernie
Senior Officer(s) Bexie, Fugler, Gracemalley, Jadelotus, Juandifico, Ownage, Ravenlunatic, Rosabelle, Vanway
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Deadman's Vengeance
Founded 4 February, 2007
Merged with Freak Parade as of 14 July, 2007

Motley Crue was just a fun Sage Ocean crew, nothing more.

On July 14, 2007, Motley Crue merged with Freak Parade.

Public statement

Everyone who wanna join will join with the officer rank. Why? So we don't gotta hear you about us doing pillies. You wanna pilly? Then, do it yourself! Only, if you are a greenie you'll be pirate, until your name stops being green.

Also, if you need a officer training, ask any of the S.O. if you can do it.

All we ask is that you are nice to everyone, since all we gotta have is fun! If you are rude, you'll be demoted to cabin person and go on probation for 3 days. Juandifico will take care if you've been good and are ready to be offie again :P The same will happen if you try to take over one of the ships that is pilling and is being leader by any other crewbie.

F.O. and S.O. will be only given to best mates or person who are loyals and nice in the crew.

If you wanna join, just ask us and enjoy the crue.