Mermaids Of Peace

From YPPedia
Mermaids Of Peace at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Twinrikku
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation None
Dormant or disbanded as of 30 July, 2008

Mermaids Of Peace was a crew on the Sage Ocean. It was founded on February 11th, 2007.

Public Statement

Anyone is welcome to join, and ye will automatically be made pirate, and any higher ranks will be at the Captain's discretion. Information on how ye should behave in the crew can be found in the private statement. We have two ships, our Sloop (Adaptable Carp) and our Merchant Brig (Adaptable Ling) - please take good care of her!

When in sword fights, please make sure that you team in groups of two and three, as otherwise the other players will team on one or two players. Also, please try not to leave in battle. We know that this cannot be helped sometimes, but it will look bad on you.

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