Meanies In Plunderland

From YPPedia
Meanies In Plunderland at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Sebastion
Senior Officer(s) Captnayib, Cheeseisgood, Ixheartxyou, Jimae, Joshbfishing, Moneymoney, Thesentinel
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Indignation
Founded 10 June, 2011
Last updated on 24 October, 2011
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Meanies In Plunderland is the main supporting crew of the flag Indignation on the Meridian Ocean (originally Viridian).

Public statement

Welcome to the crew, Meanies In Plunderland! We are an active and fun crew so join us now. If you have any questions about pillages, rankings or anything else, please kindly ask our Senior Officers or the Captain. :)


  1. Do not laze while helping out in a pillage or the officer in charge will have the rights to plank you and will result in a -1 in your booty division.
  2. Do not ask to battle navigate or gun unless the officer in charge allows you to.
  3. Do not shout if you are not the officer in charge while in a pillage.
  4. Do not spam, trade,challenge or actions which can disrupt the jobbers/officers while pillaging.
  5. Be respectful to the crew members and no cursing, scolding or blaming each other

Promotion requirements

Cabin person: Only if you want it. Just ask to join at port.

Pirate: Anyone who joins gets this rank. Must have a pirate badge & prove you know how to team during battles.

Officer: Must have broad or higher in sails, bilge, guns, carpentry, Navigation and Battle Navigation. As well as proven you can follow orders without question, you're not a jumper, treat those around you with respect. Not all with these requirements will become officers. I will come to those who've proven themselves to me and offer them a chance to take on the training of Officer. Upon completing the training, if you've done well the spot's yours. If not, I will discuss with you what you need to work on, and perhaps later you may try again.

Fleet officer: Same as officer, but you must also own a ship and a recommendation from me or one of the Senior Officers. Doing frequent pillages is a good way to earn this rank.

Senior officer: Given only to those that have my FULL trust and meet all of the above requirements. Don't get mad if I don't come to you to ask you to become SO. I've been done wrong in the past from previous SO's. So it is extremely hard to gain my full trust.