McJaps of the Seven Seas

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McJaps of the Seven Seas at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Lifis
Senior Officer(s) Drpavel, Ollieh
Organization 8chan (Je suis Acid Rain)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even (85%)
Flag Affiliation Indifference
Founded 4 August, 2011
Last updated on 23 February, 2015
Favicon.png Crew Info

The McJaps of the Seven Seas are a Meridian crew of moderate age, under the flag Indifference. They are also the only crew in all of Puzzle Pirates representative of 8chan.


Fair warning, there's a lot of mundane content here

The story of the McJaps begins on Under the leadership of first captain Kunai, the McJaps were founded, along with a /v/ Puzzle Pirates group in 2011. Under him, their modest crew hall on Kirin Island was purchased. Little else is known by the current pirates of the McJaps, as the lack of permanence associated with 4chan tended to coincide with the organization and behaviors of the pirates in those days. Leaving behind property in their wakes, captain Ollieh acquired the crew some time later (believed to be early 2012), and held the crew for roughly three years. (Also in 2012, Lifis joined the ocean and quickly rose to the rank of Senior Officer). During these times, the crew was treated like many game groups associted with /v/ would be treated: Highly active initially, only to see activity drop off of a cliff after a moderate period of time.

For a long while, virtually nobody played in the /v/ Puzzle Pirates group with the McJaps of the Seven Seas. In the late months of 2012, to the start of Februrary 2015, the McJaps were, by little stretch, a dead crew. This all changed, however, when on (the spiritual successor to what had become known for), a pirate who cannot be identified, posted a thread about puzzle pirates, which happened to be seen by Lifis, at the time, a senior officer in the crew. After information about an old /v/ crew was divulged, the users quickly began to assemble. The McJaps of the Seven Seas lived again!

Within a week, the McJaps saw more pirates active at one time than it ever had. Luckily, thanks to the old resources left over by earlier crewmembers, it was not difficult to get the McJaps vaulted into some relevance again on the high seas. At this same time, the unaffiliated crew was without a captain. Ollieh seldom came on anymore. Then, one day, the crew finally changed hands. Through a booched, convoluted path, Lifis became captain of the McJaps. Throughout this process, Lifis had gotten into contact with Seamystery, the queen of Indifference, and shortly after becoming captain, brought the McJaps into Indifference.

As you may have noticed, some of this history was recorded from last Thursday, however, more pages in the story await to be written. Soon this too, shall seem much longer ago.