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Leechmaster is currently a senior officer in the crew Dark Nemesis and member of the flag Hell Hounds of the Cobalt Ocean.



Leechmaster hardly ever plays on Midnight, mostly just to meet or help hearties.


Leechmaster started as a greenie pirate on the Cobalt Ocean in march 2006. After wasting a day in a horrible crew, that he quickly left, he found what he was looking for in the crew Dark Nemesis. He only left Dark Nemesis on a few occasions, but always found back to the crew. He helped bringing the half way dormant crew back to numbers and life and getting it settled in the new founded flag Hell Hounds, taking the crew to 4th best in the sea. After one year of glory, he stopped sailing indefinitely. The crew started sinking again, ruining his hard work, and stucking in the bottom of the ranking.

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