Gulfstream/PvP Points
[hide]Basic calculation
PvP points calculations are based on the official report on "Recent PVP battles" in the crew "Overall battle stats" page for every single PvP battle:
- 1,000 points - per each win;
- 100 points - per each defeated pirate (the number of all pirates no matter what kind - player or swabbie);
- 1 point - per each PoE and unit of commodities.
- 1,000 + 500 + 5,780 + 35 = 7,315 PvP points.
Calculation of the basic points per win of war PvP battles concerning PvP rankings
- 2,000 points - per each win vs one-mast class vessel (1,000 points of normal PvP x2 for sinking envoirment (war only) =2,000);
- 10,000 points - per each sink of one-mast class vessel (2,000 points of sinking PvP win of one-mast class vessel x5 for sink =10,000);
- 4,000 points - per each win vs two-masts class vessel (2,000 points of normal PvP win x2 for two-masts class vessel =4,000);
- 20,000 points - per each sink of two-masts class vessel (4,000 points of sinking PvP win of two-masts class vessel x5 for sink =10,000);
- 6,000 points - per each win vs three-masts class vessel (2,000 points of normal PvP win x3 for three-masts class vessel =6,000);
- 30,000 points - per each sink of three-masts class vessel (6,000 points of sinking PvP win of three-masts class vessel x5 for sink =30,000).
- 100 points - per each defeated pirate (the number of all pirates no matter what kind - player or swabbie);
- 1 point - per each PoE and unit of commodities.
- 10,000 + 400 = 10,400 PvP points.
Calculation concerning goods of war PvP battles according to comparing of the overall war damage
- Only when the both flags have to compare better the overall war damage.
- All goods x10
About the 'PvP points' method
This method here is simple and fair, since the game doesn't show the full list of won commodities on "Recent PVP battles" list in the crew "Overall battle stats" page, which showing the commodities only as 'goods'. Commodities listed after battle on 'Ahoy menu booty report' are not visible for not-involved in battle outside observers of Recent PvP battles. The won 'goods' could be 100 kraken's bloods or 100 limes, Sea Monster Hunt chests or just rum and cannon balls. It is problematic also to compare the classes of the both ships involved, pirates, their crews, stats and kind, so sticking only to the number of defeated pirates is thorough enough, because they are also connected to each class of vessel. Any other complicated method will be slower, harder and almost impossible to follow by ordinary players/customers, or this process could be done by automatic game's engine. Automatic counting also could be connected to new trophies which get added to the game.
NOTE: This scheme of calculating points appears to be quite specific to the pirate Gulfstream, his alt's crews and one flag. See also Gulfstream's rules.