Fury of the Storms

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Fury of the Storms at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Deathguise
Senior Officer(s) Vancie, Nudes
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobbers Delight
Flag Affiliation Blood Rose
Founded 25 June, 2008
Merged into Confederate Angels as of 8 December, 2008

Fury of the Storms was created by Deathguise from the mind of his own. He thought of what really destroys the pirate crew besides the pirates themselves or others it was the storm which makes most pirates go mad. Coming to this idea why not have both which destory everything in it's path one of which is a Storm the other... well... is a mad pirate... The fight between the world has just began and there is another pirate crew to end it all. We lost one of our good senior officers Despire.

Now merged with Ddevil and his crew Confederate Angels.

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