Crash 'n Burn

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Crash 'n Burn at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Fiziks
Senior Officer(s) none
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Shadows Of Sage
Dormant or disbanded as of 31 January, 2009

Crash 'n Burn was a crew on the Sage Ocean. Before becoming defunct, it was looking for eager pirates to join them on their pillages across the ocean!

Public Statement

We be taking over the sea one battle at a time...

Extended Public Statement

Greetings! We are Crash n' Burn, dedicated to providing members with fun and rewarding pillys as well as an all-around good time. We're in between times here with a lot of our old members falling dormant so we are in a stage of rebuilding. We're glad to have you aboard! Please be mindful, ranks above Pirate will NOT be handed out lightly and you will have to earn them both by proving yourself through your stats, as well as through a trial pillage ran with someone in the crew FO or higher. Any questions may be directed to myself or one of my SO's...

Crew Colors: Maroon and Grey/White

Tips: Maxing Your Enemy!!

Sloop - 7 small - 4 medium - 3 large

Cutter - 8 small - 5 medium - 4large

Dhow - 8 small - 5 medium - 4 large

Baghlah - 12 small - 8 medium - 6 large

Merchant Brig - 12 small - 8 medium - 6 large

War Brig - 15 small - 10 medium - 8 large

Merchant Gall - 18 small - 12 medium - 9 large

War Frig - 30 small - 20 medium - 15 large

Grand Frig - 36 small - 24 medium - 18 large

Everyone is Welcome, We are just a big Family, We just Pilly Hard, We just Have FUN!