Blazing Angels

From YPPedia
Blazing Angels at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Racerboy
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Undeclared
Founded 22 March, 2008
Dormant or disbanded as of 10 January, 2008

Public Statement

We Love to pilly, have fun and conquer!

Extended Public Statement

Welcome to the Blazing Angels. We are a crew founded by friends who want to have fun and want others to enjoy the game. We are here to help you grow as pirates, join us in fun pillages and make new friends! We will train you, help you and make you laugh. We will encourage you and will recognize and reward Good behavior!

No we dont like rules :P but we have few we would like you to follow and to repect. Becuse they make for a happier, better crew:

- No bad language, no arguing in crew chat, treat your crewmates and jobbers with kindness and respect as you would like to be treated :)

- Don't beg for money or items in crew chat; earn your poes with pride

- Ask for PTB [permission to board] if you see a ship at sea with only one or two pirates on board. they are usually trading or memorizing routes and if you board it may cost them a lot of stock.

- Obey the Officer in Charge on pillages, they will reward you with a lot more booty if you help them... oh and: booty can only be divided at port, so don't ask before then!

- Do take a station and puzzle, it will improve your skills and earn you more booty!

- Don't beg to gun, at least not until you are Master in gunning

- Officers, please don't leave crew ships at uninhabited islands or forget to restock them

- DO ask if you need help, There are NO stupid questions please. I and the SO's are here to help you if your need it.

But above all, don't take things too seriously, this is a GAME and you are here to have FUN!

Promotion requirements [OK this is the serious part of the game !]

- Cabin Person: when you join

- Pirate : broad in bilge, carp, sails and narrow in guns with at least distinguished in at least two of these puzzles. We will help you learn the tricks of puzzling!

- Midshipman: broad gunning, narrow Duty Navigation. At this point we will get you started on Battle Navigation by giving you a tutorial and helpful links and send you to practice in the Navy.

- Officer: when you are narrow in Battle Navigation, have 8 dubs in your pocket and about 2,000 poes for restock, we will give you training in ship and crew management and take you out on a pilly. Attitude and good crew management are the most important aspects of being an Officer, being very good at Battle Navigation is a bonus. We completely understand that many people do not wish to run pillages and still want to be Officers.

- Fleet Officer : generally you will need a ship and Master Bnav, but we will make exceptions for people who show good leadership qualities by helping other Officers pillage, train, supervise, mentor new pirates and help them with puzzling. The SOs and the Captain will know every Officer and will encourage them to become FOs.

- Senior Officer: commitment to the crew, willingness and ability to train new Officers, some will take out larger pillages and help train Officers and Fleet Officers to Bnav larger warships.

- The Officer Training Ship is the Upright slid.

If you buy a ship, please write your name on the OBB [Officer Bulletin Board]. If you have a stall, do let the Captain know and it will be listed here in the Crew Info.

Flag Donation Ship: We do not have a donation ship at the moment.

Our motto is: You can't be perfect all the time... but you can have fun trying