
From YPPedia


Insert synopsis here

Full Description

Insert Introduction here


Insert List of Materials needed here

Prize Precedents

Insert previous prize description here

Strong Points

Insert list of strong points here

Weak Points

Insert list of weak points here

Links to Precedents

Insert forum links to past events here


Insert event status here


These usage notes will not be included in articles bearing this template.

Use this template as a substitute, for writing your own event shell. To do this, use for following syntax:

{{subst:EventShell| This bit is important. It tells the wiki what template to read, and also to substitute it in.
|synopsis= Insert a short, snappy outline of the event after the equals sign.
|intro= Insert the event introduction here.
|materials= Insert list of materials here.
|prize= Add a list of prizes typically used.
|plus= Add a list of advatages and strong points here.
|minus= List the weak points here.
|links= Add links here to forum threads.
|status= Describe the current event of status here.
|catletter= Place the first letter of the event here, for example "S" for "Sloop Blackjack"
}} Finishes off the template.

If you can't fill in a field, just leave the whole line out, including the |plus= bit.