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Sebant is officer of the crew Sage Order of Pirates and a member of the flag Imperial Rednecks. He is a lieutenant in the Admiral Island Navy in the Gull Archipelago and sails the Sage Ocean.

Officer Dreams

Sebant joined in late 2007. He was from the start looking for crews where he might graduate to the rank of officer. He eventually found Omricon, a crew from the flag One. He was then promptly appointed officer. One day he logged on to find that the crew had merged and that he was demoted to pirate. Sebant then left to become officer in another crew. While pillaging, he came across Crime Fighting Ninja's. He was asking what rank he would be if he joined, obviously it was pirate. He then was the last person standing in a unfair Swordfight. The commanding officer then said that if he won the battle he would be an officer. In the end he lost the battle but still became an officer.

Sebant then moved crews many times, eventually lodging in with Sealords of Sage. He loved the crew and had no intention of leaving except for starting a new crew of course. He eventually joined Sage Order of Pirates and became officer in the crew.


Sebant's goals are to play more poker, buy a poker table, and a good house. Another goal of his was to buy a sloop but he bought one already.