
From YPPedia


Yaasoo has been playing Puzzle Pirates for almost three years, during which time he has met many interesting and fun people. He hopes to continue meeting new people in the future.

Contributions and Achievements

  • Joined The Cheruscan Hammers where he achived officer for the first time, then went onto becoming a major part of the crew as a Senior Officer.
  • He then joined the flag No Homers, who he then helped to blockade Gaea Island with great sucess back when blockades were a good old 24 hours long (He remembers clearly staying up for 36 hours for it).
  • Created The Bone Hunters and the Booty Bandits on the 16th November 2004.

Current Status

He is currently still captain of The Bone Hunters (on Midnight)and SO of Mercenary Squadron on Cobalt.

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