Whiplash (Midnight)

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Whiplash at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Pvpaddict
Senior Officer(s) Zand
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Tyr's Own
Founded 20 March, 2007
Dormant as of 31 January, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

Whiplash was a crew on the Midnight Ocean and was founded on November 23, 2005 by captain Treasuresal.


Shortly after founding Whiplash joined the flag Jesters' Court. On March 26, 2006 the crew VOC merged with Whiplash.

Whiplash merged into Zane's Mutineers but was then recreated through a crew rename by Treasuresal from Zane's Mutineers in March 2007.

Public Statement

Imagine yourself on a brig, about to be hit in the back by a war frigate. The impact pushes the boat forward. It takes about 100 milliseconds for your body to catch up to the forward movement. Your shoulders travel forward until they are under your head, and your neck extends forward as your head tilts slightly down toward your sword. You hold on to the sails, the captain brings the boat to an abrupt halt. The sudden stop throws your head and neck backward, and they bounce against the mast. In a matter of seconds, you've experienced the classic mechanism of whiplash, 100% hardcore piracy, yarrr

About 20 percent of people involved in such rear-end collisions tend to join this crew. Usually, they suffered heavy brain damage.

People who join whiplash must develop one or more of the following symptoms: - some sense of humour - willingness to learn - common sense - tolerance to being planked when lazing aboard - guts

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