
From YPPedia

Criptripper started playing in the spring of 2005 shortly after the opening of the cobalt ocean. When he was still a greenie figuring out the technicalities of the game, he was warmly welcomed by the crew Elements of Fear. Shortly after, as his ambitions as a pirate grew, he decided to leave the crew to create one of his own, Uncommon Valor. Subsequently, as he got more familiar with the concept of Yohoho Puzzle pirates, Criptripper set out to be one of the few pirates to try hit the 1 million mark of daily war brig pillages. As time flew by and he got more experienced on the helm, he started hosting less war brig / war frigate pillages and started hosting more elite sloop pillages. Terrorising brigands on the inter-arch routes, he managed to set a personal record of half a million in booty on a sloop piallge in the spring of 06. In the peak of his career, and as monarch of the Flag Rising Storm and Captain of the crew Uncommon Valor, he decided to retire from the politics of the game, but as a fairwell gift to all that had stayed by his side through his endeavors, he bought over Corona Island and donated it to his flag. As a reward, he was given the title of governor of the island, where he spent the rest of his career reaping the fruits of the Corona Trade.

One of his favorite quotes is, Faith is not belief without truth, but Trust without reservation.