The Grip Of Diablo

From YPPedia
The Grip of Diablo at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Monarch Reddogg of LimeSplitters
Member crew(s) LimeSplitters
Founded 27 December, 2011
Dormant as of 11 December, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-The Grip of Diablo.jpg

The Grip of Diablo is currently a dormant flag on the Meridian Ocean and founded in the year 2011 on December 27th.

Public statement

You can't escape The Grip Of Diablo...

Extended public statement

Starting back up after a bit of a break from Puzzle Pirates... New crews are always welcome...Contact Reddogg or any of the royals (if there are any) to discuss joining. We will determine how many royals and titled members you can have on a case by case basis.

Short history

The Grip of Diablo was created by Jawstring of the crew La Cuenta Regresiva. Reddogg was soon made monarch of the flag once LimeSplitters joined. Reddogg and Jawstring wanted a flag that would be close together and not be afraid of war or blockading.