Mystic Rage

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Mystic Rage at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Monarch None
Member crew(s) Domestic pillagers, Partners in crime
Founded 8 October, 2007
Dormant or disbanded as of 20 February, 2012

Mystic Rage was a flag on the Sage Ocean.

Public Statement

My mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get."

Extended Public Statement

Feel free to join us in our expeditions of camaraderie and fun-filled pillys; we are an active flag whose members are enthusiastic about pillys/flotillas/blockades.

If you wish to ally with us, please talk to one of the royals before sending the invite. Please do not send blind flag alliances.

If your crew would like to join the flag, do not hesitate to approach our royals