Jasper Jackals

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Jasper Jackals at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Arakael
Senior Officer(s) Allecto
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Trader Shares
Flag Affiliation Azure Abyss
Founded 29 April, 2006
dormant as of 18 May, 2009
Crews-Jasper Jackals.jpg

Jasper Jackals is a small crew of merchants that sails the Cobalt Ocean. The crew currently flies the flag of Azure Abyss.

All members of the crew are alts or experienced primary characters who prefer merchant activities. It has been rumored that Jasper Jackals stockpiles blockade supplies.


Jasper Jackals was founded by Arakael on 29 April, 2006. The crew quickly joined the flag of Azure Abyss as a member crew.

Public Statement

We have premade ships for sale at Napi Peak, just ask Arakael or Allecto.

We're an informal bunch; jobbing and running commodities is what we do. We can be seen lurking in taverns and plying trade routes. Never underestimate our skills and mistake us for easy targets, though, or you'll soon learn that a Jackal is a creature who protects every member of the pack.

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