Freezing Hot/2009 Crew Awards Ceremony

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The 2009 Crew Awards Ceremony is an event run in December 2009 for members of the crew Freezing Hot on the Viridian Ocean.


December 2, 2009


Presented by Haggl and made possible by Porom (he's too comfy to move).

The Categories Are...

  1. Best named pirate
  2. Biggest show-off
  3. Biggest mouth
  4. Most likely to over-shoot in battle
  5. Most likely to under-shoot in battle
  6. Funniest pirate
  7. Deadliest pirate
  8. Most likely to lose their way
  9. Crew punching bag
  10. Pirate of the year

The Winners Are...

Best named pirate

1st - Waitoosexy
2nd - Cast
3rd - Luckylad

Biggest show-off

1st - Belum
2nd - Tembs
3rd - Imamy

Biggest mouth

1st - Haggl >.>
2nd - Splasher
3rd - Phenom

Most likely to over-shoot in battle

1st - Waitoosexy
2nd - Haggl
3rd - Jarna

Most likely to under-shoot in battle

1st - Ladyemerald
2nd - Crazon
3rd - Cast

Funniest pirate

1st - Haggl
2nd - Ladyemerald
3rd - Luckylad

Deadliest pirate

1st - Jarna
2nd - Haggl
3rd - Porom

Most likely to lose their way

1st - Poggie
2nd - Cast
3rd - Marcmoney

Crew punching bag

1st - Haggl >.>
2nd - Tembs
3rd - Cast

Pirate of the year

1st - Imamy
2nd - Luckylad
3rd - Poggie

The Prizes Are...

1st Place Winner's Choice of Trinkets
2nd Place Winner's Choice of Fish Bludgeons
3rd Place 100 poe

A Message From...

Haggl loves Porom very much. Haggl is #1 TH but he doesn't brag about it and Porom is cute too.