
From YPPedia


Eradicat set sail on the Midnight Ocean in 2006, (because it sounded nice), and after wandering around, listening to a few greenies, she was spotted by Junglegeorge and taken under the wings of the Monkey Militia.

Maintaining the position of pirate, in a crew where she hardly got to know anyone, Eradicat continued to quietly learn more about the pirating life and all it's struggles (including blockading against other flags). During this learning curve she managed to lose her leg, and had to be placated by Junglegeorge, who assured her this was a good thing.

It was during a blockade that Eradicat (mistakenly) got herself jobbed for the wrong side, and ended up on a ship with Chrisspy and the Barnacle for Brains crew, fighting against the very pirates she was supposed to be supporting. This caused much merryment to the Barnacles and Chrisspy invited Eradicat to join as a full time member, which she duly accepted.

Due to a major difference in time zones Eradicat spent most of the time following trying to keep up with the Barnacles escapades, earning herself the nickname of 'The Lost Limey' (mostly by Noisivitca),but regular visits to the forums, and many late night adventures enabled her to work her way up through the ranks, eventually settling as a Senior Officer. She had another blonde moment when Coconaut had to point Eradicats new shiny hook out to her, 3 days after she'd aquired it.

She spent a brief spell (in 2007) as an independant pirate, not being able to decide if the departure of Chrisspy from the Barnacles was a good idea or not, and also wondering if she would feel more at home in a more time zone friendly crew. This separation from the Barnacles ended a few days after Shannal and McCannibal began stalking her on Facebook.....

Eradicat is married in game to the kind, understanding and downright smexy Mullins, and they live together on the beautiful island of Wrasse. She enjoys buying cushions for their home, and giving him random gifts of sheep.

Contributions and Achievements

  • Senior Officer of the crew Barnacles for Brains
  • Owner of the Relaxed Chub
  • Has a cat called Eradikit
  • Winner of a mixing skull in the 2007 Pirate Pumpkin Carving Contest