Black Tower

From YPPedia
Black Tower at a Glance
Cerulean Ocean
Captain None
Senior Officer(s) Orca, Slashersteve
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Phoenix Rising-West
Founded 16 May, 2005
Last updated on 6 March, 2012
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Crews-Black Tower.jpg

Black Tower is a crew that sails on the Cerulean Ocean that was founded on 16 May 2005.

Public Statement

For too long cast aside, stripped of diginty, opportunity. Countless sleepless days in underestimation. But under these anxious, darkening heavens No word goes unheard. And no deed is without compensation. When the workers come to collect their wages. Now the straw men are swaying in the distance. The have-nots calling in the listless wind. Whispering for retribution. Waiting for some voice to call them. From the bottom where you left them. So onward friends from our battered homes. Forward to the onrush of cast stones, crushed bones. And the gallows. . . . .

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