Art:Poetry Death Match/Archived Round 6

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Poetry Death Match Round 6 consisted of rondeaus. The archived results are shown below with the winning rondeaus in bold.

Non-Competing Entries

Match None Mannafh Gotagota


The indecision holds me captive
As I delay, my movements pensive.
The timer drops, the sands seem faster.
As panic hits, I sense disaster.
I choose a column, feeling restive.

Opponent's turn, his look aggressive.
Before his moves were all deffensive.
I'm sure that he will prove my master.
Curséd indecision!

His next move makes me apprehensive.
I fear I'm losing the offensive.
And sure enough the coins do scatter.
The score bell rings in constant chatter.
And so I lose, my thoughts oppressive.
Curséd indecision!

A Pirate Player

Would that I, a lowly drinker
Havin' wrought now, from me thinker
A mastery over that game
They've gone an' changed! It's no' the same!
Avoid th'bar? That'll kink'er.

Not convinced, am I, this blinker!
Revision thoughts? Nah, they'll sink'er.
It's jest this new one is so lame.
Would that I...

A new idea? Curse th'linker
Thinks that I should ne'er tinker
With the formula that they aim.
Perhaps I'll use my garnered fame
An' be to them their own head shrinker.
Would that I...

Match None Squidbeard StKittsSam

The Codger's Life

I'll sit an' drink me rum and eat me chips;
Me trusty mug e'er at me fingertips.
Me days o' reckless swashbucklin' are over,
I seldom sail, and seldomer am sober.
Ye younger mates can sail upon yer ships.

When ye return from yer seafarin' trips,
Ye'll find me here, a tankard to me lips.
So go ahead and sail from Yax to Nova,
I'll sit an' drink.

The secret art to drinkin's in the drips -
To keep the stainin' bonus in yer grips.
Those extra points beat any four-leaf clover,
Ye'll see it so much clearer when ye're older.
Now get ye gone, and think about these tips.
I'll sit an' drink.

The coins fall down; the game begins
But my opponent only grins.
He sees the moves so far ahead
It's "tic tac toe" for him, it's said,
And he's the one who always wins.

My plays are trapped upon the pins,
And soon, my stack of money thins,
While his plays bring him points instead:
The coins fall down.

He scoopes the silver from the bins
And leaves in search of other inns.
He does not hear my silent tread
Nor feel the sharp blow to his head.
His beltpouch tears as 'round he spins.
The coins fall down.

Match None Kargach Talisker

I hate to write a poem harsh and mean
But I can't spade with partners named in green
It's probly just some inexper'enced kid
Who doesn't know the meaning of "to bid"
And likes big numbers, so he hits thirteen

This makes me shout out phrases most obscene
For now I'm forced to nil with ace and queen
And soon, to minus one eight oh we've slid!
When in doubt, bid two

Much better is the greenie play'r who's seen
The rules and read them all, and even been
To other servers on the network grid
And doesn't play as poorly as a squid
But new play'rs who have heard me vent my spleen:
When in doubt, bid two

Destroyer of Kings

The King's laid low, the blackened spade,
Dealing a blow, bidding is slayed
Wailings of woe as the King falls
Bounce to and fro in gambling halls
It's then they know the bid's unmade

The Queen's bright beau has just been flayed
That fateful throw, a black card played
She shouts out , 'No!' and loudly calls
"Destroyer of Kings"

The tears do flow. Options are weighed
Hope sinks below. Winning's delayed.
All your hands owed, both large and small
Bids high and low, to Lord of All
Perilous Foe, the Blood-stained Spade
Destroyer of Kings.

Lower Bracket

Match 217 Graceisme Bladen

She's got it...

A lady like the Queen of Hearts,
She picks a partner; so it starts.
Pirate of class, she bids with flair;
Ne'er complains the cards aren't fair.
She reads her cards like sailing charts.

Clever, she practices her arts
She loves the game and all it's parts.
Has this pirate savoir-faire?
She's got it in spades.

Tossing cards like well thrown darts,
On display are amazing smarts.
Smiling like she hasn't a care,
She stretches - easy in her chair.
The game soon ends, her foes depart.
She's got it in spades.

While passed out on the floor

While passed out on the floor, I find
I have surprising peace of mind
While all my friends, above they stand
In looking down, they reprimand
As if I weren't enough maligned...

My mem'ry vaguely does remind
Of how I became so entwined
With scruffy boots and dirty sand
While passed out on the floor

A challenge, I had not declined
For drinking is my fav'rite kind
The challenge, though, went not as planned
So won't you kindly lend a hand?
Though I may seem quite unrefined
While passed out on the floor

Match 218 Devilsword Toesy

Stash the deck.

Stash the deck within your garter,
Tonight our fame won?t go farther,
In the closet, put on your rag.
One last kiss tonight we go stag,
Smile tonight we be a martyr (pronounced mar·tyr {mär't?r})

The first games they are our handler
Captains wishing they could have her
It?s free Poe filling every ones bag
Stash the deck?.

Now with rich pots it turns to her
Double nil with every rounds stir
Yet, now the Poe flows from her bag
With the wins, they fly a white flag
Crap! Now she be found a cheater
Stash the deck!!!!

Shell Game at the Drinkin' Table

Yer me best pal - let's go out a-boozin'.
Wear yer glad rags cos we're goin' cruisin'
Down by the docks where mates look cool, look sharp;
Ships bobbin' at anchor, tars joke an' tart.
Bring yer flagon, or what e'er yer usin'.

Let's find some greens an' we'll lure those fools in.
Pretend yer new, their PoE they'll be losin'.
We'll split the loot even, your part, my part.
Yer me best pal!

I'll drink a round an' give ye a bruisin'.
Ye take 'em again 'fore they start musin'
On patterns an' trends that show ye're smart.
I'll hold the cash whilst another ye start.
...Just steppin' outside to get some coolin'...
Yer me best pal!

Match 219 Popeye09 Tamsin

The Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades I cannot stand:
Although she seems serene and grand,
Her menace it is unsurpassed,
The one she picks always aghast -
I extradite her from my hand.

The game now starts, I take command
To force her out on my demand.
I want to see her face now fast,
The Queen of Spades.

She has not shown as I had planned;
A tension mounts that I can't stand.
An errant high card is my last,
The one I wish that I had passed.
Unerringly, the trick's mine and...
The Queen of Spades.

Drink up, me mates - I'm buyin' this next round!
Yer finest rum fer all o' us boozehounds!
'Tis but my way o' sharing my reward,
Fer layin' me opponent 'cross the board.
He belched- and in me lap his purse I found.

'Twas but the first o' many mugs he'd downed,
To fill the void amongst the stained surround.
We'd long lost count o' what the innkeep poured-
Drink up, me mates!

Still dizzy, I surveyed our battleground-
If but me luck would only turnaround.
Praise Dionysus! Chips! How the crowd roared!
And while me foe and I were rather floored,
There was but one o' us upon the ground!
Drink up, me mates!

Match 220 Kmf Ruby_spoon

I Lost My Heart

I lost my heart, I lost my poe
I lost my pants, I've fallen low
Those parlour games I cannot play
Yet gold I bid, all of my pay
In hope that luck my way will flow

One day I'm sure I will soon crow
"I've won a hand! I've made some dough!
My debts repaid, I'm free!" I say
I lost my heart.

My love knows this will not be so
He left before I bet his poe
He may return, for this I pray
And from the cards away I stay
For gambling is my worst foe.
I lost my heart.

One in eighteen, or thereabouts

"What are the odds of talking all you guys
in to a wagered drinking game?" she cries,
"Quite high," they say, "if you supply the drink."
"Agreed. Now all pick colours - I'll be pink."
"The standard rules?" "Of course," the lass replies.

The game begins; their careless play implies
they underestimate their host. Surprise -
she takes an early lead! They must rethink.
What are the odds?

Co-operating now, they can devise
a blocking plan. She looks them in the eyes:
"So that's your game. However, there's a kink.
I'm known as lady luck," she says. They blink -
She takes two rows and wins the game, with fries!
What are the odds?

Match 221 Gloraelin Bye

A Game of Broken Hearts

A game of broken hearts on this day
Something I might win, I may, I may!
The object of the game is easy:
Most points, though the thought makes me queasy
That's not quite how you normally play....

As per usual, I can't quite play -
"Moon Shot!" Silly me... that's not the way!
"Heh. Oops?" my reply is quite cheesy
A game of broken hearts.

My stupidity shines as a ray
of sunshine. You grimace, and then say,
In a reply quite brusque and breezy,
"You really are much too lazy."
It makes me weep, standing on the quay.
A game of broken hearts.

Match 222 Wmcduff Tgreyfox


I have no heart it's plain to see
A nasty lady against thee
In games of hearts I never fade
You will not beat this heartless maid
You might as well give up and flee

All hearts I break, and two or three
Will find their way away from me
Into your growing points they're laid
I have no heart

Now more; but wait! It cannot be!
A black ace summons her! That she
Through my defence. That queen, the spade
Though thirteen mine you may have made
Thirteen to you I'll guarantee
I have no heart

There she is, the Queen of Spades
My hands she constantly invades
That evil smirk to me she'll turn
With 13 points again she'll burn
My winning hope - again it fades.

I try my best with plays and trades
But with no luck - there are brigades
Of ebon maids, my tricks to spurn -
The Queen of Spades.

My sleep at night her face pervades
In dreams my confidence degrades
I see my luck start to upturn
But soon for help I start to yearn
She just ignores my loud tirades -
The Queen of Spades.

Match 223 Bluetta Lulunz

You can't set my boy, my best chum
He won't make me bite on my thumb
When he puts down his cards, to state
"Gonna nil," he's just testing fate.
He soon will prove - his brain's not numb

I'm confident he won't succumb.
though hear our opponent's gay hum
as he plays a club - it's the eight!
You can't set my boy!

My partner, he picks up his rum
And smiling, says "Don't look so glum!"
Plays a seven, almost too late
He grins, and I start to deflate
"That's a spade - ye bucket o' chum!"
....You can't set my boy.

Sod it, lost again at Spades,
As bad as Hearts: each loss parades
My lack of skill. Though not a bragger,
I resent my rival's swagger.
P'r'aps I'll try my luck with blades...

I've practised lots at different grades,
And in some mad crew escapades,
And bought a shiny new skull dagger -
Sod it, lost again.

Time to drink! The rum pervades
Me, leaves me wide to slick charades
From some green upstart carpetbagger.
No stake left so home I stagger.
Left or right? Now drunk tirades:
Sod it, lost again!

Match 224 Indeed B_licker

The Shaft

I always get the shaft when playing hearts.
My 'pponnents, do they practice the dark arts?
A once great hand, it changes like the tide:
My 3 of diamonds took the Queen; i cried.
But shoot the moon? Not with the deuce of hearts.

A score of twenty-five - the last point darts
o'er to the winking meanie - "Scupp'ring Tarts!"
A game like this i just cannot abide:
I always get the shaft

My wager always flees to unknown parts.
A gamb'ling fiend, i heed not the alerts
that i should go and take a walk outside:
i play the night 'til my poor brain is fried;
My outlook - it becomes as bleak as Sartre's
Because i always get the shaft.

Blind Nil

"I bid blind nil!" my partner cried.
My cheerful humor quickly died.
I could not help him whatsoever.
My cards were just too low to cover.
His foolish bid would be denied.

"Ha ha, good luck!" our foes replied.
And I, too, felt an urge to chide
my mate for trying to be clever.
"I bid blind nil!"

And yet for every play they tried,
An answer somehow I'd provide.
I must have picked a four leaf clover.
Our enemy could not recover.
Only one way to turn the tide:
"I bid blind nil!"