
From YPPedia
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Crazybabe is a cabin boy in the Silver Dragons on the Viridian Ocean.

Notable Achievements

  • Was carping for the Pretty Pufferfish on Viridis XIV for the Silver Dragons
  • Once lost 400 POE from bad poker playing. Current amount of cash: Very small


Crazybabe is a former greenie (aren't we all...) who quickly joined the Armada of the Apocalypse. After days of jobbing, she finally jobbed on a blockade ship. She jobbed for the last 2 rounds in Viridis XVIII Afterwards, she participated in the 100K prize party as a celebration, and currently resides on Viridis.


(After Viridis was taken from New World Order) "Why is there a pet named New World Order on the island?" (From an older edit) "Apparently, is a poor gambler"