User talk:Fluffybunnyh

From YPPedia

All pet images in all color configurations already exist on the Yppedia and are not necessary to be re-uploaded under other filenames. If you wish to link to these on your pirate page, you can use the {{My pets}} (Usage) template in the appropriate locations. -- Cedarwings (t/c) 12:02, 8 June 2007 (PDT)

Please try to avoid over-capitalizing words. Thank you.

According to the Wikipedia manual of style on links, there is seldom a need to link multiple times to the same article, let alone within a single section. Only having one link to an article helps reduce the effort required to update links. -- Faulkston 11:15, 9 June 2007 (PDT)

Thank ye fer yer comments! I am new to this and Just trying to help my Crew out!

Thanks for the input, much appreciated!


Edit Frequency

Ahoy! I was going through the recent changes, and I ran across the edits to Fluffmeister. If you'd like to see the page history, take a look here, and I think you can see why it's sticking out at me :-/. I don't want to discourage you from editing, because it's good to see you putting so much effort into improving this page... but it's always good wiki practice to get into using the Preview button instead of just posting stuff directly, because that way you know if you like what you're about to post before you actually do, so you can catch things like spelling/grammar, line breaks, formatting, and so on without having to waste time and effort making tons of minor edits. In any event, welcome to the YPPedia, and good luck in future!-- Cedarwings (t/c) 09:19, 12 June 2007 (PDT)

A! Sorry! Didn't know it messes things up! I will use the preview button in future and make all changes at once, rather than lots of little amendments! Thanks again! Fluff

Lists of standard named ships on pirate pages

The policy on individual pirate articles states that lists of standard named ships are not permitted. -- Faulkston 19:11, 13 June 2007 (PDT)


Sorry for my repeated misuse of that one. I have not seen the pirate articles policy page before, but have now read it and will adhere to it! Boy, I am causing you guys a lot of work! Sorry again! Fluffmeister