
From YPPedia
Pets button.png
Black Death
Item box unequip.png
Pets-Rat colors.png
Trinkets button.png
Item box unequip.png

Short summary. Bold Samplepirate's name the first time it is used, and only the first time. It's useful to include the 'short list' items here: crew, flag, and ocean. Link each of those in the first paragraph, and you don't have to worry about finding the first link in the biography text; it's already done.

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • Bullet list of history
  • Reverse Chronological order (most recent/current deeds at the top)
  • May want to split if, for example, a very active pirate is also an island designer
  • Also useful to split into subheadings for cross-ocean pirates


Wordy description of the piratey life. Examples I refer to frequently are Attesmythe and Belgarion, also Feegle. Sivius is a pirate to which I applied the pseudo-template during regular cleanup duty. Jacktheblack's page has also developed well. The Biography section is perhaps the best place to include the familiar and portrait infoboxes if the pirate does not have a portrait picture at the top of the page.