
From YPPedia

Possidon first joined the pirate world in January of 2006 and started out just doing a lot of jobbing with various crews, not finding any she really cared for. There were many offers to join these various crews, but Possidon was pretty hesitant to (not really understanding the game completely yet). One day while browsing the jobbing board Possidon noticed a crew called Still of the Night, she liked the name and decided to give them a go. The captain of this pillage ended up being the famous and amazing Bluehornet (yes, this is before the poker phenomenon) and Possidon was VERY impressed with how easy he made the sea battle for all the pirates. She had rarely seen leadership like that. Also the crew was so friendly! After the pillage she was praised for her work and then and there made the decision to join this crew! She hasn't regretted it for a nanosecond! In her own words, "I must say that this crew is certainly the best to be found. We have amazing officers, diligent pirates and cabin persons, and awesome senior officers!"

Since joining she worked hard, got her pirate badge, worked hard some more to get her stats up until she was asked to consider an officership. It wasn't long until she was called to the Tigerleaf Mountain home of Chatnoir and Benjideblade to be promoted into the rank of officer. Since then she has been promoted to Fleet Officer and in December 2006 she was promoted to Senior Officer.

Possidon was dubbed by the amazing Jengerale, Possi, and it stuck. Possi has been along on the ride as Still of the Night left the flag Imperial Collalition and started their own flag, Sea Change. She is excited about the new directions the crew and it's members are going and is looking forward to the future!

Possi has many favorite pastimes on YPP, including Gunning (her best puzzle and only current Ultimate, once at #67 in the ocean), Sailing, Carping, Bnav, and participating in blockades. Her stats may be seen at: [1]

Possi enjoys the friendship and social aspect of YPP and has many friends among the crew, the flag, and the ocean.

Sea Change Forever! See ye on the ocean!

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