
From YPPedia

I am captain of the crew dark pirates of sage, king of the Dark Knights of Sage (flag, not the crew...)

i live on the sage ocean...come on the sage ocean and say job me to tomsque if i am online and join my crew and/or join my flag.

i am a Commander of the Admiral Navy. i have very hard in my 6 months of playing and my cre has gone weaker, but now i have made it much much more stronger by re-inforcing it with new and bigger ships and i play poker to win PoE for stocking my ships! in most of these sentencces gives u an idea of a captain.----

Crew Ranks

Senior officer  
Fleet officer  
Cabin person  
Jobbing pirate  

For the Captain navy rank, see navy. Captain is the highest rank a player can have in a crew. Captains generally have either started the crew or were a former officer promoted by the previous captain. On doubloon oceans, captains must also have purchased the appropriate badge. Captains have the power to demote and promote anyone in autocratic crews, change the crew articles, and assign titles to anyone, including themselves. Depending on a crew's booty shares, captains may receive a different share than those of other ranks during booty division.

In autocratic crews, the captain can do about anything he or she wants. Cabin persons can be promoted to senior officers and vice versa, as well as anything in between.


James Lau was born in 1996 and was brought up in Gosforth, Newcastle with his parents, sister and adoring cat Tom. He studied at Newcastle Royal Grammar school. His sister once introduced him to an online pirate game called Puzzlepirates. He tried the game and thought it was awesome. He decided to write this book based on that very same game.

Tom, the captain charted a course to Isle of Kent. They had fine rum but the sky was turning darker! Suddenly, a thunder storm blew up, what might happen… will they sink down to the bottom of the sage ocean or will they survive back to land?

    From a distant land far away from where we are… my crew and I sail across the Sage Ocean to a far away land called Isle of Kent. We have duty stations: carp, sailing, bilging, navigating and gunning. They all say I am the best at gunning. I filled the gunpowder in first, the wad and then the cannonballs. I am also a grand-master in sailing: my crew tighten the ropes and loosen them by my orders.  My carpenting skills are good; I make masterpieces at filling holes with wood without overlapping them.
  After days and days, we eventually find what appears to be a target, we are about to engage into battle.
	“Everyone, take a station.” Lenny, one of my senior officer’s shouted. 

A person was lazing about! I ordered him to carp!

    “Ok, I want you to carp, stay on it and don’t leave the station,” I said.

“But Captain Tom, why?” said William. “Because I want you to, if a cannonball hits us, then you’ll know what’s happened!” I shouted. I rushed up the stairs to battle navigate. “AHHHHHHHH,” shouted most of the crew! “We have been hit twice. Please work harder. Gunners I need you to fill yer guns… we have grappled them,” I yelled. “Get yer swords out guys. Team up in two’s and three’s NO SINGLES, we need to knock them out!” Lenny continued.

After a grateful, long lasting battle, we managed to snatch eight thousand pieces of eight (gold). “Good work guys,” said Lenny “William,” I shouted. “You will get quite a lot of the shares you know.” “Thanks!” said William.

“Captain,” shouted Lenny,” There is so much damage, we need more carpenters.” “You all heard him… come on we need more carpenters. Ahh my ship… please don’t sink, if youuuhhuu don’t carpent RIGHT NOW, then we will all drown, come on I said COME ON!” “Well, come on people we need you’re help. All of you will get at least 20% each of the booty, pleassse, or your life is at risk!!!” I whimpered.

“We all need to tidy things up, everything is a total mess! We need to fix up all of the damage and get our bilge lower down, it is too high! When we all do everything well, I will reward you people with a fine feast.” A few hours had past by and things were starting to look good. The damage, speed and bilge were starting to do well again. Everyone had done an incredible job! When another few hours had past, everyone was rewarded something to eat and then followed by a rest!

“Now everyone…, I SAID everyone, our fine feast will commence tonight. Ok we are going to attack at least one more ship.” I cheered. There were loud noises on the deck mostly of the crew shouting at each other in a nice way, and chatting and talking about how many pieces of eight they could get… but William was sitting alone from the group of sailors, carpenters and bilge pumpers. “What’s wrong?” “Well… every one is, like... boasting on how well they did at their duty stations,” said William. “Well I think you did a very fine job of it, don’t be sad. I know you will get at least 100 pieces of eight.” “Okay, I will try harder anyway, so I know that I have earned it.” “Alright people back to your stations; I have found a target… a big one too.” Everyone went to their stations and worked as fast as they could. I ordered my sailors to tighten the ropes, and to take the sails out “Come on people; let’s focus… where in battle now.” Said Lenny. “All canons loaded sir.” “Right, sailors we need speed, put your sails out, and carpenters when you see a hole, you fix it right away. Bilge Pumpers, I want you to get almost all of the water out of this ship. NOT the rum.” Everyone had got to their stations. Everything had worked out fine for the first twenty minutes of the battle… When a large cannonball struck one of our sails down! I commanded everyone to fill the carpentry stations and try to fix the crows nest! Some one had been badly hurt… it was William! The crows nest had fallen, had weakened him and it “Are you ok!” “NO, of course not, my leg is bleeding and is badly bruised...AHHH AWWW my leg!” “You will survive, I know you will. Get the bandages.” I wrapped the bandage over his leg; the blood was so bad, it EVEN went through the bandage, it was THAT serious!

We were in a rumble fight, it was where everyone fought with just our bare hands and legs and no swords! When the rumble battle had started, William would have been knocked out by now, but we stowed him away in the cabin, so no one could take him away! The battle was very fierce, we had a lot of injures, bumps on the head and all of that ridiculous stuff.

The battle at least took one hour and fifty minutes! We managed to have the glory once again of winning, and our fame was now illistrous… We managed to sneak and steal all of the enemy’s pieces of eight. “We managed to steal 17384 pieces of eight. How glorious was it to do that, well… we had an advantage, even though they had a bigger ship, we had 58 people and our enemy only had 36 people, so we had a total advantage. How about that feast I promised.” All cheered “ahgggrrrhhhhh!”

“Our feast was that, we are still a far away from land but we can still cheer for our glory and success of 25384 pieces of eight.” The first few days have been very hard and difficult, but most of the crew are going to have a long rest… until the next morning will come, they will be ready for another fierce battle of their lives, battling Admiral Finus, the King of the crew “Brigands”…

Thanks for reading my chapter of my story...