
From YPPedia


Silveransom is a play on a few different words. Silver is obvious enough, but Ransom may be a bit obscure. Then again, pirates would have been familiar with ransoms. The letters ansom here are also a homonym for Ansem, a key character in the (most excellent) Kingdom Hearts series.

Silver, as he's known to his mates, is a casual player with well above-average skills in puzzling, leadership and teaching. He may spend as much time writing tutorials as actually playing the game. He's also a professional artist, so he'll wind up in the occasional contest on the forums. He designed the rare Croatian black/gold/maroon egg in the Easter 2007 contest, and spent a bunch of very satisfying time helping others design and test their eggs.

Rumor has it that he's silly, and occasionally funny, but it's probably just a byproduct of his somewhat expansive vocabulary. Silver does not speak leetish, so his English can be confusing sometimes. He's also been accused of arrogance, which can often be confused with blunt honesty.

Silver also refuses to play political games, and oft times loves simply sailing solo on the seas of Sage in his special silver plated sloop, the Skeletal Silverside. He will also wander about Midnight if he's feeling confident or masochistic. He is the Captain of the one-man crews "Ride of the Valkyries" on Cobalt and "Silver Ice" on Ice, and aims to own Silverside sloops on all seven seas.

Silver's dear wife Lille joined him in piracy in late 2006, and the two of them are raising a little pirate-in-training, Briny.

Silver's site:

Silver's blog: