
From YPPedia

Known for her sword biting, booty dancing, and pompom shaking antics, Rexelita started her piratey existence somewhere around June 23, 2004.

Pondering a name for herself, she wanted something fierce and thought of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Alas, the name "Rex" had already been chosen and she was forced to pick again. Musing about her Los Angeles townhome, she spied a can of Rosarita diced tomatoes on the kitchen counter. She picked up the can, returned to her computer and played with the can of tomatoes in her left hand. She looked back and forth between the tomatoes and at her character on screen, and the name Rexelita sprang forth.

Rexelita was an avid greenie and played the game with zeal. She had a sloop and the stats to create a crew before she had lost her green, which was an achievement given that new player accounts only lasted 10 logons at the time.

She spent some time looking for a crew before choosing the Mad Mutineers. She attained the trust of her crew and became a Senior Officer. She became involved with flag interests by becoming the Secretary and was honored with the title of Lady of Midnight Armada.

After her time in Mad Mutineers, Rexelita felt the urge to grow and joined Pirates of the Damned in Crimson Tide. It was a natural move as the majority of her hearties were all in one wonderful crew and flag.

Rexelita continues to play with the same zeal she had as a greenie and enjoys attending YPP parties.

  • adds juicyness*