From YPPedia
While the events workshop is a very useful resource for up-and-coming event planners, sometimes it's hard to track the most useful discussions amidst various game show hosts, teasers, and other specific ideas. What follows is a vague and occasionally updated set of links that will hopefully provide a set of core principles for hopeful event planners in the future. Currently, they're organized in reverse chronological order, which is to say that if you travel back in time and kill your grandfather, he'll still appear below you in the list. (But be warned: your next family reunion might be pretty awkward)
Official support: How do I get me some of that?
- Ask Uncle Apollo- Some weirdo in pajama bottoms gets his jollies by answering questions from prospective event planners interested in OM support. This is a place to learn what's possible and clarify procedure, not to submit an event proposal.
- Events how-to- An official guide on how to get OM support, and what sorts of prizes you can expect, when. An excellent resource to read before emailing the OM events team.
- How to get OM support for an event- An experienced player/event-runner describes some of the more common mistakes made in first-time proposals.
Useful tools and tricks
- Using the wiki for your event- Provides some tips on using a single, centralized source like the YPPedia to inform contestants of the rules of your event. Especially in a time when it's hard to edit forum posts, this makes it easier to keep people up to date with the latest copy of the rules.
- Using treasure drop for raffles- A post describing a method of using the position of TD levers to select a winning raffle ticket.
- Judgebot- Description of a tool to streamline judging of art and writing contests. Not sure of the current status.
Event runners sharing experience
- Event planners and Artemis Dolls- Nominate your favorite event planner for an OM doll. Please think carefully before clicking "post", because the Goddess Of Flinging Pointy Objects Through the Air at High Speeds isn't to be taken lightly.
- Guidelines for judged events- Many writing and art contests require a panel of judges. Contains useful advice for judged and forum-based events in general.
- Lessons learned: Flopped ideas and events- Because even the best planners aren't always successful. Learn from their mistakes.
Collected brainstorming
- Plots- Some thoughts on how to create a prolonged event based on a storyline with active participation
- Crazy event blockade ideas- Does what it says on the box.
Special topics
- Planning to base your event off a TV show? Read me!- A discussion of the popular TV quiz show event format we've seen recently. Among the major points is a summary of some of the challenges involved with trivia questions in the age of Google.
- Poker Primer-Lessons Learned from Hosting Poker Tournaments- A lengthy description of the variables involved in setting up an entirely player-run series of poker tournaments
- Build Demeter a Wheat Sheaf- A discussion of the conditions in which including a famous OM name in your event is a good idea, and how to make sure your patron saint goes along.
- Let's Return to More Fun, Less Grindy Forum Familiar Events- Became an interesting summary of writing-based forum events, with criticisms, suggestions, and handy links alike