
From YPPedia

Ahoy Nicksterv/Vanity! This message is regarding the page [[{{{1}}}]]. We're sorry, but your article is not suitable for the YPPedia because it does not fit in with our policies and guidelines regarding individual Pirate Pages, and the Vanity Guidelines. Your page has been marked for deletion.

After reading over all the links, if you feel that your pirate is noteworthy enough to be included in the YPPedia (for example if it is regarding a monarch, governor, captain, island designer, or a winners of a familiar contest), then please feel free to contact me on my talk page for the deletion page to be removed. If it isn't, then please consider moving your page to your personal user page. You can edit this page by clicking on "user page" in the toolbar above.

Thank you for your contribution, and I hope that you will make many more valuable additions in the future!