
From YPPedia
Welcome to the pirate Mars' user page
(Note: Please do not edit this page. Direct all comments to my User talk page.)
:: Statistics
14:24 UTC, 27 July 2024
Currently 30,110 articles
:: Contact
  • AIM: yppMars
  • MSN: Ask me ingame or via PMs.
:: Null

Not finished yet.

I have Gmail invites. Ask me for one. Or forty.
:: Languages
en This user is a native speaker of English.
See Help:Language for information about adding language tags to your user page.
:: Licensing
I release all of my contributions to YPPedia, including everything on this user page and all of its subpages, into the public domain. Hence, if you want to use this page's design, or even just the links header design at the top, you are very welcome to do so.

About Me

Ahoy! I am Mars, a longtime player and Alpha tester. Check out my portrait gallery! I have Cleaver and a couple of OceanMasters, also.

Current Pirate Information

  • Midnight - Senior Officer, Pirates of the Damned. Member, Crimson Tide
  • Cobalt
  • Viridian
  • Sage
  • Indigo - Fleet Officer, Soehne des Raben. Lord, Red Banner.

To Do

Both the page framework and layout courtesy of Blankfaze. ¡Gracias!