
From YPPedia

Yohoho pirates rocks! if You have people in the Viridian Sea and tell me who your person is and I'll make him/her a hearty write any messages like be my hearty or can i be your roomate I hav lots of Furniture write anything I'll check messages on this website and reply if you want me to! I love a good pillage so recruit me in a pillage I am good at Carpentry, Sailing, Bilging and Battle Navigating! I am in a great crew that works as a team and helps you when you need it the crew is called King Aurthor! Please join so I can see you have fun I the crew long live crew King Author! Long live Yohoho Puzzle Pirates. Check out Rotterdame's tailoring stall in the Viridian Sea on Lima Island! I hope I see u in my crew or any where around <=)!!!!! Traker have fun in a differ sea!!!